Cherokee Rose

Sunday, May 16, 2010


GO TIGERS!! Tonight they won another one of their 'coming up from behind' games that they have been famous for this season. We decided to watch a DVD movie tonight and they were losing 1-6 so we figured they'll lose this game anyway, so let's watch a movie. We watched a movied called "Civic Duty" with Peter Krause and it was a pretty good movie. Basically about after 9-11 and this guy gets paranoid when a middle-eastern guy moves in an apartment downstairs from him and he is convinced that the guy is a terrorist and things go from bad to worse....and the arab guy is innocent...or is he???? Well, ya just have to see the movie to find out.

So we watch the movie and when it's over, I flip on the baseball channel thinking that the game is probably over anyway, and much to my surprise I see that the score is tied and they are going into the 11th inning!...what did we miss?? It must have been a good game afterall. And then more innings to come and the winning run is walked in!!! Hoorayyyyyy Tigers!! Glad I didn't miss ya...

Today was a decent day for outdoor work and I decided that today is the day that I am going to get the landscaping on the side of my house done. Last year we tore out the old overgrown bush and I thought hubby was going to lay new sod down but he never did...and I decided I wanted more than just new sod anyway. I'm sure hubby didn't wake up this morning thinking that we were going to landscape the side of the house, but I did! First, I went to a church rummage sale and hit a few garage sales and then I knew I had to get home and start my project. So I came home and informed hubby of my plans and he starts freaking out about what all I am about to do. I got the shovel in my hand ready to dig in and he starts asking me exactly what I'm planning on doing. Well, to be perfectly honest I didn't really have a clue, but I knew I was going to do SOMETHING....anything is better than weeds. Well, I kinda had a plan that involved mulch or stones and shrubs or bushes and flowers. He had a plan that involved those landscaping bricky things. So we went to Home Depot and bought some landscaping bricky things, a couple of golden-colored shrubs, and bags of brown mulch. And Preen.....I put preen in everything, cause I'm not going to work my ass off and then have the weeds undo everything I did. So I weeded and preened. We laid the landscaping bricky things, planted the shrubs and laid the mulch and it looks really really good. We still have some plants we have in our yard that we are going to dig up and transplant there and I'm sure some gnomes will sneak in and lurk in the area. I already have this big weird looking wire frog that I got at an estate sale last year that I put there and it holds a planter....but hubby hates it and says that he is sure that someone is going to steal it one night and it will soon be gone....LOL

So that's what I did today.....I got the landscaping on the side of my house DONE DONE DONE!!

Update on the house my son is trying to buy. Short sales are a big pain in the ass to say the least. The bank likes to give everybody a hard time, but things are slowly moving along. They are insisting on another appraisal to make sure that they can't get more for the house....but it has entered, what they call...'the equator system', and I guess that means the ball is rolling or some such crap.


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