Had a nice time in Caseville for the few days I was there. Weather was nice, rainy, then nice again. Did some yard work. Visited with my neighbors. Watched alot of TV. Sunday the Hallmark channel was running a marathon of Janette Oke movies from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m......7 movies total, starting with "Love Comes Softly". I've listened to the first 3 books on tape....and I've seen the movies of #1, #2, #3, and #6, but this is the first time that I was able to watch all 7 in a row. So basically, I laid on the couch all day Sunday watching the Hallmark channel. I even missed "The Amazing Race"! I did take a break during one of the movies and took little Keno for a walk cause it was so nice outside....and I needed some fresh air cause I found myself dozing on the couch and missing parts of the movie anyway...haha
Mini Sue hurt her right eye while I was there and I didn't have her eye drops with me. So Saturday night, I drove to Bad Axe (30 min drive) to go to Walmart and buy Systene eye drops for her. It's expensive stuff and I have it at home, but it wasn't doing me any good at home, so I had to buy another one. It was $7.99 the last time I bought it at Walmart last October, and now good ole Walmart raised the price to $10.29 or something. I thought they are suppose to LOWER prices....whatever....still cheaper than Walgreen's which was $10.99. It's not her prescription vet stuff, but it was better than nothing. So I was putting that in her eye all weekend. I don't know what happened. She and Keno were outside running back and forth along the fence with the dog next door and next thing I knew she was going in the house. I didn't think anything of it. I just thought she was done playing. Later I saw that she had her right eye closed and squinting. I don't know if Keno got her with his paw again, or she ran into a stick on the ground or something. Since I've been home, I've been putting her dilating drops in and the antibiotic drops. She's still squinting somewhat but I think it's getting better. If not, then it's another expensive trip to the vet. Cause it can't heal if there is dead tissue over the cornea. The vet has to numb her eye and scrape the dead tissue off...then it will heal. I'm hoping it heals by itself okay. Poor baby girl...
I watch American Idol occassionally this year. I watched "Dancing With....", and "Lost" last night and flipped to "American...." a few times and caught a couple songs. Just not really into it cause it's such a farce and basically a Fox production of whatever they want it to be. I doubt very much if people's phone calls really count for much. Anyway, I watched the results show tonight and it was so freakin' obvious that the whole thing of 'Michael being in the bottom 3, and then being the one with the lowest votes, so he can sing for the judges to "save" him, and then "TADA"....the judges SAVE HIM!!!' was such an obvious FOX stunt for the drama I guess. I hope Michael was told in advance of what they were going to do. I don't believe for a minute that he would have been 'voted' off. Trust me, the phone call votes don't count anyway. Simon and FOX runs this whole show...
I really hate this show.....and what's with all the theatrics? Simon complained that Michael's song was too theatrical, and then they have singers and their own theatrics on the Results show the next night??? WTF?? Lets's face it, it was a setup because they knew what they were going to do on the results show...put Michael in the bottom and have Simon save him. Woohooo! I only watched it cause hubby is addicted to it and there was nothing else on. If I'm watching something else, he goes in the computer room and watches it there. He watched all the lame audition shows. I caught maybe a couple of them.
BTW, Michael and Crystal are the ones I think should be in the final two. Casey is fun to watch...he's good....but not good enough to win on this show. He's more like a Daughtry. He'll do much better on his own. He doesn't need AI or Simon or Fox Network.
I love Daughtry! He's the best they've ever had on any of their shows, and he didn't even win. Yeah, he was 'voted' off at one point. He didn't need them. When I do my 3 mile walks, I listen to Daughtry on my Sony....the first CD....I like his second CD but I think his first is his best.
Anyway, that's my opinion...
Mini Sue hurt her right eye while I was there and I didn't have her eye drops with me. So Saturday night, I drove to Bad Axe (30 min drive) to go to Walmart and buy Systene eye drops for her. It's expensive stuff and I have it at home, but it wasn't doing me any good at home, so I had to buy another one. It was $7.99 the last time I bought it at Walmart last October, and now good ole Walmart raised the price to $10.29 or something. I thought they are suppose to LOWER prices....whatever....still cheaper than Walgreen's which was $10.99. It's not her prescription vet stuff, but it was better than nothing. So I was putting that in her eye all weekend. I don't know what happened. She and Keno were outside running back and forth along the fence with the dog next door and next thing I knew she was going in the house. I didn't think anything of it. I just thought she was done playing. Later I saw that she had her right eye closed and squinting. I don't know if Keno got her with his paw again, or she ran into a stick on the ground or something. Since I've been home, I've been putting her dilating drops in and the antibiotic drops. She's still squinting somewhat but I think it's getting better. If not, then it's another expensive trip to the vet. Cause it can't heal if there is dead tissue over the cornea. The vet has to numb her eye and scrape the dead tissue off...then it will heal. I'm hoping it heals by itself okay. Poor baby girl...
I watch American Idol occassionally this year. I watched "Dancing With....", and "Lost" last night and flipped to "American...." a few times and caught a couple songs. Just not really into it cause it's such a farce and basically a Fox production of whatever they want it to be. I doubt very much if people's phone calls really count for much. Anyway, I watched the results show tonight and it was so freakin' obvious that the whole thing of 'Michael being in the bottom 3, and then being the one with the lowest votes, so he can sing for the judges to "save" him, and then "TADA"....the judges SAVE HIM!!!' was such an obvious FOX stunt for the drama I guess. I hope Michael was told in advance of what they were going to do. I don't believe for a minute that he would have been 'voted' off. Trust me, the phone call votes don't count anyway. Simon and FOX runs this whole show...
I really hate this show.....and what's with all the theatrics? Simon complained that Michael's song was too theatrical, and then they have singers and their own theatrics on the Results show the next night??? WTF?? Lets's face it, it was a setup because they knew what they were going to do on the results show...put Michael in the bottom and have Simon save him. Woohooo! I only watched it cause hubby is addicted to it and there was nothing else on. If I'm watching something else, he goes in the computer room and watches it there. He watched all the lame audition shows. I caught maybe a couple of them.
BTW, Michael and Crystal are the ones I think should be in the final two. Casey is fun to watch...he's good....but not good enough to win on this show. He's more like a Daughtry. He'll do much better on his own. He doesn't need AI or Simon or Fox Network.
I love Daughtry! He's the best they've ever had on any of their shows, and he didn't even win. Yeah, he was 'voted' off at one point. He didn't need them. When I do my 3 mile walks, I listen to Daughtry on my Sony....the first CD....I like his second CD but I think his first is his best.
Anyway, that's my opinion...
At 1:05 PM,
Holly..expert on all things Wal*Mart related :) said…
If you bought it at Wal-Mart down here, it would be cheaper because they price match local competition. So if there are lots of stores close by, items will be cheaper.
In Bad Axe, there are fewer stores..thus less competition..thus higher prices.
People frequently get p.o'ed because the Fowlerville Walmart is more expensive than the Howell one..it's because of the same reason.
At 11:34 PM,
Diane said…
That makes sense...next time I go to the Walmart in Livonia I'll check and see what their price is now compared to what I just paid in Bad Axe....it'll be interesting to see the difference.
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