Smelly Gas....and glue for dinner....
Today our town had their annual HHW....Hazardous Household Waste...dropoff. There's a list a mile long of stuff they don't want you to just throw in your trash (like I do most of the time, I admit), but instead they want you to put it all in your car and come to their site and drop it off. Hey...sounds good. I have a few old TV's I want to get rid of. Hubby has this car that's been sitting in our garage for probably 5 years now not running. So he decided to drain the gas out of it and he put it all in about 4 gas cans to take up to the HHW site.
I had already been there earlier and waited in a long line of cars all filled with things like old paint, varnish, car oil, anything toxic in bottles that you shouldn't pour down your drain (like I do most of the time, I admit). I was starting to feel a bit guilty with just my 3 old TV's. So I told them that I have some gas I'm going to be bringing up later.
By the time hubby and got there later the line of cars was so backed up that we must have waited and slowly crept along for over 1/2 hour. In the meantime, my low-gas dinger sound went off. I totally forgot to put gas in my car! So we're creeping along and my gas is getting lower and lower. And in the meantime, the gas fumes from all the cans of gasoline in the back of my jeep was making me nauseous and I was getting a headache. We had put all the windows down, but it was getting stronger and stronger and we were getting colder and colder with the windows down. And my car was getting weaker and weaker from the lack of gas in it's gas tank. I asked hubby if we could take some of the 5 year old gas in the cans and just pour it in the tank and get the hell out of there! I guess, not a good idea....
Just as I was getting near the fainting stage, we finally made it to the end where someone took the cans out of my car. But hubby wanted the cans back, so we had to wait for them to pour the gas into something else and bring us back the smelly gas cans. I finally made it to a gas station and by the time I got home, I was literally sick of smelling gas.....ewwwwwwww!!
Tonight I decided to have some deli macaroni with the chicken tenders and fries I was going to have for dinner. I went up to the local store and didn't want to wait in the deli line, so I decided to just grab some already in a tub in the cooler thingy. Usually, they USE to fill tubs of macaroni, potato salad, cole slaw, etc from the deli and put it out for sale in the cooler areas, but they have since changed things around....and I hate when they change things around! now they have this prepackaged crap in the coolers. I bought one of those thinking it was the deli macaroni. We had it with our dinner, but I told hubby that I was taking it back cause it tasted like crap. I told him that it tasted like old glue to me. Of course, he thought it tasted just fine since he has no sense of taste or smell anyway! Trust me, it tasted like horsey glue crap....
So I took it back to the store. I told the guy that it was that prepackaged crap and that it tasted like glue. He looked at me like he thought I was nuts, but he gave me a store credit for $1.99. Then I went and waited in yet another line and finally got DELI macaroni. I haven't tasted it yet since I have lost my appetite from all the smelly gas and gluey tasting mac from before. I'll try it tomorrow.
I had already been there earlier and waited in a long line of cars all filled with things like old paint, varnish, car oil, anything toxic in bottles that you shouldn't pour down your drain (like I do most of the time, I admit). I was starting to feel a bit guilty with just my 3 old TV's. So I told them that I have some gas I'm going to be bringing up later.
By the time hubby and got there later the line of cars was so backed up that we must have waited and slowly crept along for over 1/2 hour. In the meantime, my low-gas dinger sound went off. I totally forgot to put gas in my car! So we're creeping along and my gas is getting lower and lower. And in the meantime, the gas fumes from all the cans of gasoline in the back of my jeep was making me nauseous and I was getting a headache. We had put all the windows down, but it was getting stronger and stronger and we were getting colder and colder with the windows down. And my car was getting weaker and weaker from the lack of gas in it's gas tank. I asked hubby if we could take some of the 5 year old gas in the cans and just pour it in the tank and get the hell out of there! I guess, not a good idea....
Just as I was getting near the fainting stage, we finally made it to the end where someone took the cans out of my car. But hubby wanted the cans back, so we had to wait for them to pour the gas into something else and bring us back the smelly gas cans. I finally made it to a gas station and by the time I got home, I was literally sick of smelling gas.....ewwwwwwww!!
Tonight I decided to have some deli macaroni with the chicken tenders and fries I was going to have for dinner. I went up to the local store and didn't want to wait in the deli line, so I decided to just grab some already in a tub in the cooler thingy. Usually, they USE to fill tubs of macaroni, potato salad, cole slaw, etc from the deli and put it out for sale in the cooler areas, but they have since changed things around....and I hate when they change things around! now they have this prepackaged crap in the coolers. I bought one of those thinking it was the deli macaroni. We had it with our dinner, but I told hubby that I was taking it back cause it tasted like crap. I told him that it tasted like old glue to me. Of course, he thought it tasted just fine since he has no sense of taste or smell anyway! Trust me, it tasted like horsey glue crap....
So I took it back to the store. I told the guy that it was that prepackaged crap and that it tasted like glue. He looked at me like he thought I was nuts, but he gave me a store credit for $1.99. Then I went and waited in yet another line and finally got DELI macaroni. I haven't tasted it yet since I have lost my appetite from all the smelly gas and gluey tasting mac from before. I'll try it tomorrow.
At 3:13 PM,
Judy said…
I hate that pre-packaged macaroni or potato salad. Just hafta wait in line for the better stuff. I say better, because home made is always best.
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