Oh, my aching back....
My lower back has been acting up again...damn! I replaced both of my too-soft mattresses for hard-as-a-rock firm ones and I am sleeping more comfortably now; but while I was in Caseville I wanted to take a bike ride and needed to put air in the tires. So while I was crouching by the tires trying to put air into the tires, I wrenched my lower back when I went to stand up. I could feel it and knew I was in trouble. So I came home whining and moaning about my back and hubby now thinks that all this mattress replacing was a waste of time and money. It isn't the mattresses now....it's cause I screwed up my back when I was crouching down trying to put air in my tires!!! So's anyway...Motrin was not helping....Ibuprophen wasn't helping...then hubby suggested Tylenol...yeah, like plain ole Tylenol is going to do anything. But I was desperate, so I went to Rite-Aid and bought an extra strength one (650 mg) and I've been taking 2 tablets every 8 hours and I have to admit that my back is much much better. Better by maybe 50% so I'm still babying it and taking my Tylenol.
Although if it doesn't get 100% better I'm thinking of trying acupuncture. I drove by a building advertising acupuncture to quit smoking, back pain, and even weight loss!! So I'm thinking about checking it out. Maybe I can lose some weight that way. Nothing else I'm doing is working. Before I went to Caseville I was walking and bike riding and lost about 8 pounds....then I went to Caseville. No walking, no bike riding, beer drinking, cheeseburgers, ice cream, beer drinking (oh, I already said that) and eat, eat, eat, and I think I gained 10 lbs. And now I have to baby my back so I'm afraid to ride my bike or do much walking yet either.
I told my husband that I never had a freaking back problem until we bought the cottage. I was blaming the mattresses but I think it all started cause of those damn flower beds that I have to get down on the knees and weed all the time. My back can't take much more. He suggested I pull all the damn flowers out and fill the whole thing in with mulch and let it all go to hell. I'm thinking about it. I mean, I NEVER pulled weeds before in my life until I bought this place. The first summer I had the place, I thought they were just some nice plants growing in my garden until my neighbor informed me that they were weeds and I needed to pull them out cause they were choking the mums. Well, I pulled them out and planted more flowers but then the weeds just came back which puzzled me. I guess I thought that once I pulled them out, they were gone forever....WRONG! I spent all summer pulling weeds. The next summer I pulled and then put in Preen which helps alot but those damn weeds still sneak in here and there. This summer I put mulch on the side flower bed and that is helping although I still had some weeds to pull just before I came home. See...besides pulling my back when I was trying to put air in my tires...I also weeded my flower gardens just before I came home....no wonder my back is bad. It's those damn weeds!
I should hire a gardner....yeah right...LOL
Although if it doesn't get 100% better I'm thinking of trying acupuncture. I drove by a building advertising acupuncture to quit smoking, back pain, and even weight loss!! So I'm thinking about checking it out. Maybe I can lose some weight that way. Nothing else I'm doing is working. Before I went to Caseville I was walking and bike riding and lost about 8 pounds....then I went to Caseville. No walking, no bike riding, beer drinking, cheeseburgers, ice cream, beer drinking (oh, I already said that) and eat, eat, eat, and I think I gained 10 lbs. And now I have to baby my back so I'm afraid to ride my bike or do much walking yet either.
I told my husband that I never had a freaking back problem until we bought the cottage. I was blaming the mattresses but I think it all started cause of those damn flower beds that I have to get down on the knees and weed all the time. My back can't take much more. He suggested I pull all the damn flowers out and fill the whole thing in with mulch and let it all go to hell. I'm thinking about it. I mean, I NEVER pulled weeds before in my life until I bought this place. The first summer I had the place, I thought they were just some nice plants growing in my garden until my neighbor informed me that they were weeds and I needed to pull them out cause they were choking the mums. Well, I pulled them out and planted more flowers but then the weeds just came back which puzzled me. I guess I thought that once I pulled them out, they were gone forever....WRONG! I spent all summer pulling weeds. The next summer I pulled and then put in Preen which helps alot but those damn weeds still sneak in here and there. This summer I put mulch on the side flower bed and that is helping although I still had some weeds to pull just before I came home. See...besides pulling my back when I was trying to put air in my tires...I also weeded my flower gardens just before I came home....no wonder my back is bad. It's those damn weeds!
I should hire a gardner....yeah right...LOL
At 11:13 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
get better checkin in
At 11:07 AM,
Judy said…
There could be another reason--age--hate to mention it, but I never had a back problem until I hit 60. Now everything is falling apart.
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