Cherokee Rose

Friday, January 29, 2010

Deja Vu

It was like deja-vu around here last night. Last year after Christmas we lost power and we lived in the dark for four days. I don't know what was going on around here but a major part of our city lost power last night for about four hours.....which is way better than four days, but still....very annoying! I was on the computer last night around 8:00 when everything went black. I groped my way down the stairs where hubby had a flashlight. We could see outside that nothing was on anywhere. I decided to take the car out and see exactly where power was out and where it was still on. I could only see lights in the city next to us. I drove around and saw no lights anywhere except at a few businesses where they must have had a generator that kicked in. No street lights, no traffic lights, nothing. It was scary driving without any street lights and traffic was backed up at the intersections so I took some dark side streets home and got off the roads. We lit a lot of candles and stayed in the family room where it was warm with our gas wall furnace. By 10:00 I took a sleep aid and tried to fall asleep on the couch since there was nothing much to do. I think it was around midnight when all the lights finally came back on. I haven't heard what was going on last night to cause the black-out. I mean, there were no storms of any kind going on....just a regular night. Weird...

So today I met up with my son and we went to a couple estate sales. I bought a cute gnome for outdoors and a welcome thingy with red birds on it to put by our front door and a few other things.

Tonight I went to the show and saw "The Book of Eli" with sexy Denzel Washington! It was a good movie. After some catastrophic event that wiped out alot of civilization, Eli has the only remaining bible that this guy is trying to get his hands on so he can have power over people. Apparently, 30 years earlier Eli heard a voice telling him to 'go west' and take the bible where it will be needed. So he had been walking west for 30 years reading the bible everyday. Then the bad guy gets the bible from him but discovers that it's useless to him because......(gotta see the movie to find out)....Eli finally gets to the San Francisco area in the west where a guy is running a print shop and Eli tells him that he has a bible. So the guy wants to see the bible so he can print out copies of it for the people, but Eli doesn't actually have the bible anymore, but he does......(well, you'll just have to see the movie to find out!)

Tomorrow hubby and I are going to our son's girlfriend's house for her daughter's birthday party. It'll be the first time he has met her parents. I've met them already. Should be fun....


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