Cherokee Rose

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bye-Bye Git-Tar....

Remember that guitar I bought a year ago??...yeah, probably don't even remember what I'm talking about...but I was going through my Dylan/Baez stage and decided to buy a 'git-tar' and 'learn me how to play the gee'tar'. Well, it looked easy enough to me. So I began to teach 'meself' the simple chords. I don't know...I think my fingers are too short...but it wasn't as easy as Dylan makes it look.

So I sat my guitar up along with all my Elvis memorabilia like my Elvis Wine bottles and I was hoping maybe one day the King would teach me to play. Like anything else, the smell of money is stronger than the ability to do anything. So I got my camera out and told my guitar he was going to be a 'model' and I posed him in a straight erotic position and he smiled and shined in my camera and I pressed the button. Then I got down and dirty and downloaded him.

I posted his pics and lots of detailed details and got lots of responses. Afterall, it's Xmas....a good time when people are vulnerable to buy ANYTHING. If I had a fishing rod to sell, it wouldn't have been any better....I reeled in the first bite......a young girl looking to buy a Xmas present for her boyfriend. She bit and I hauled in the goodies (money) and my guitar will be sitting under a Xmas tree.

yeah, I know...I could of been the next Baez...........


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