Cherokee Rose

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rants and Rants

Okay....I gotta say a few things on a couple of controversial subjects....

1. Tiger Woods: First of all, I wonder if he ever slept with a black woman??? Just wonderin'....But personally I don't give a rat's ass who he sleeps with cause what the hell does that have do with GOLFING?? That's his wife's problem. HE is his wife's problem. Personally, I think she should divorce his black ass and take 75% of everything he's got. She should give him his freedom and he can go put his balls in all the holes he wants.

2. Adam Lambert: I mean, come on!!! Where the hell is his head at?? He compared his "shocking" antics with others in the past like Madonna, Cher, etc. Hey buddy...they paid their dues, they have a name for themselves, they can get away with alot. YOU on the other hand are just starting out and do not have that privilege. First of all, there is a HUGE difference between a live concert performance and a national TV performance!! On stage in a concert, they would stand up and cheer (and probably me included)....but national TV???...during primetime when the little teenyboppers are staying up so they can watch you??? ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS??? Your sales are down and I hope they plummet. I was going to buy your album and I've changed my mind.

Well, that's about it. I've ranted. I feel better now.


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