Cherokee Rose

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ankles and Shoulders and Knees.....

Tomorrow I'm leaving for Caseville and will be there through Memorial weekend and somewhat beyond. There's a big birthday celebration going on at the Eagles Saturday night for a guy that is turning 90!! Hubby will drive up in a few days.

My godson sent me a couple of his CD's that he recorded and some pictures. I look at these pictures and can't believe how much he's grown since I last saw him...!!hahaha...considering I haven't seen him since 1966! He sent pics of him and his fiance and his two sons.

I'm sending him all the pictures of him and his mother that I have been saving all these years. I made copies cause I want to send him the originals. I'm so glad that they are finding their way back to him where they belong and where he can hand them down to his sons.

My army son called and said that he fractured his ankle in 3 places and has to have surgery where they will put pins in. Did he break his ankle sky-diving? Did he screw up his ankle doing PT? Did he f*** up his ankle doing army stuff? NO...he was skateboarding. He already messed up his other ankle skateboarding and then he goes and screws up the other one big time doing the same thing. So I think his skateboarding days are is his parachuting sky-diving days. So I guess if our country gets bombed and we need our soldiers to defend us, he'll be out of commission for awhile.

My youngest son was doing crowd control at Hart Plaza during the hoedown (OMG, is that politically correct to say "hoe"????) Anyway, he was chasing down some bad guys and fell on his shoulder bad. I got on his case cause he has no health insurance now cause he quit his full-time position to go part-time. Luckily, it seems to be healing and feeling better.

My middle son has shoulder problems. He had an MRI done and there is a cyst somewhere in the shoulder, so they are going to wait and see if it dissolves itself and goes away, otherwise, he may need surgery.

About 3 weeks ago I slipped in the bathroom and came down hard on my right knee and screwed up something on the kneecap. I can walk, jump around, basically feeling okay as far as that goes, but if I touch this one spot I can feel the nerves shooting up the knee. So last weekend, I bumped it on the table and thought I was going to die from the pain. There is no way I can do anything on my knees. I can't put any pressure on it at all. I'll give it some more time to heal, but if it doesn't I guess I'll have to see the doctor. Don't have a clue what they can do about it though.

Hubby is the only one doing great at this point. Last year, he is the one with the shoulder problem. So now he's fine and the rest of are falling apart...

It's always something....see ya when I get back from Caseville. Maybe I'll get to the library in Pigeon and catch up.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mini Sue almost was roadkill!!!

Today my little dog got out of the backyard and she was a bad, bad, bad little dog!! My dumb husband had the small chickenwire part of our fence down cause he was doing something. So he lets her outside and figured she wouldn't even notice the fence was down. He goes over to put it back up and, of course, she sees it and runs out of the yard. She's running into the road, running from side to side sniffing at all the mailboxes. He's chasing after her and yelling her name and yelling "cookies"...."treats" and she ignored him. Then a car comes driving down the street so he's in the middle of the road waving his arms for the car to stop cause little Mini is still running in the road. He finally got her. I think she got her little behind spanked. She deserved it.

So did I mention that my youngest son and his last girlfriend broke up? Anyway, they had a ring in layaway at this jewelry store and my son had $600 paid on it. Now the jewelry store is going out of business and will only give him a store credit and not his money back. He has no use for anything in the store and he doesn't want to lose his money, so guess who is using it???....Yep...Happy Mother's Day to me! I went there yesterday and most everything in the store is at least 70% off, so there are some good deals. I bought one of those Citizens Eco watches. They recharge themselves by light...sunlight, regular light, etc. You never have to replace a battery. Which is perfect for me, cause I have had it with those cheap-ass battery watches. I won't even bother with them anymore. I have a couple wind-up ones that I use. I have to wind it everyday, but at least I'm saving money on batteries and they always work. And I bought a diamond ring and a blue topaz ring that I'm having sized to fit my pinkie. The diamond ring was regularly $900 and I got it for $ that's the kind of deals they are having.

Actual Mother's Day we got a dinner I got even...hahaha

Thursday, May 08, 2008

News Article...

This is the article that was in the hometown paper.

Rob wants to do a follow-up on his progress with pictures of his mother that I have and about reconnecting with me. That would be so cool...

We have a possible address of a man who could be his father. I am going to go there tomorrow and knock on the door and find out. I'm not sure what I'm going to say. Not even sure if anybody even lives there. The house looks pretty desolate. I drove by it today on my way home from my friend's house. She was shocked when I told her about reconnecting with Rob. She, her sister, Darlene and I were all friends back in Jr. High. The last time she saw Darlene was about the same time I last saw her. I think that's when she moved back out west. She couldn't add any more information. She never even met his father. I wish I had taken pictures at the baptism. At least I would have a picture of him. That's what Rob would love to see. I can't imagine having a father and you don't even know what he looks like.

He had really great adoptive parents and he is so grateful for them. He had a good life with them growing up on a farm in the thumb area doing his chores in the morning, etc.

It seems so strange calling him Rob.....cause I have always thought of him as Shawn all these years.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Life is full of surprises sometimes.....

Is there somebody way back in your past life that you often wonder about? Someone that was important to you but due to circumstances beyond your control they are gone from your life and you have no clue how to find that person again....

When I was in Caseville, I got a phone call from my friend (the one who lost her son to cancer awhile back). She tells me that she was reading the local hometown paper and that there was an article in there with my name maiden name. A man from Wyoming was looking for information about his family. He had been born in Michigan and he and his brother had been adopted out when they were small. Quite a few years ago he found an aunt who led him to his mother who he was able to meet. She passed away a couple years ago. Now he is trying to find information about his father and his little brother. He and his brother were adopted out to two different families. He has little information to go by. Only recently he got a copy of his baptismal certificate from a church in Plymouth, MI that listed the name of his father and his sponsor (Godmother) Diane Paquin.....ME!!

Robert Shawn Staffig was born to Darlene Diane Staffig on June 29, 1962. Darlene and I knew each other way back in Junior High School. She was a year older than I was. She became pregnate and at age 17 she had a baby. She was totally rejected by her parents. She had little Shawn (as she called him) baptized in September and asked me to be his Godmother. I was 16 at the time. Shortly later, she went out to Dallas, TX for awhile. She returned to the area by 1964 and tried to finish her high school education by going to night school and working during the day. They lived in an old upstairs flat and I use to go visit her and little Shawn. He was like my own baby. I loved him so much. He loved when I would come see him, and he would cry and cry when I had to leave. Eventually I got married and moved away and she got married and got pregnate again. I remember seeing her and the two boys and her new husband once, but then she divorced him, put the boys up for adoption and moved out of the state. I never saw her again.

While she was working here, she befriended a relative of mine who babysat for her. She became good friends with my second-cousin's mother....who was my mother's cousin. They kept in touch thru letters and phone calls for years and years. It was through her that I found out about the adoption and her moving away. I asked her for Darlene's address once, but I never got it; and Darlene never contacted me.

When my friend spelled out the last name in the article, I couldn't believe it.....OMG, that's SHAWN!!!! Godson!!!

She had sent an email to him telling him that she knew me and gave him her phone number. He called her and gave her his number which she gave to me. I called him and spoke to my Godson who I haven't seen since 1966. I felt so sad when I learned that Darlene had passed away. But he did tell me that she had remarried a man in the oil business and had two more children....a girl and a boy. He said that the boy is an attorney. She did eventually divorce him, but she had a good life with him.

So get this.....

I told him that I wasn't at home that I was at my summer place in Caseville. He proceeds to tell me that he is very familiar with Caseville because he grew up in the Port Austin/Kinde area!! His adoptive parents own land and raises cows on a farm near Kinde. He graduated from Kinde High School. I drive through Kinde when I go to Bad Axe. I've eaten in Kinde. I go to the Kinde Polish Festival. He grew up right near where I have been vacationing! He even worked at the Castaways Inn where we once stayed one winter before we bought the condo in Caseville. He lived there until 1982 when he and some friends decided to go to Wyoming. He's been there ever since.

He's a singer/songwriter and he has a CD he is going to send me....He plays festivals and concerts and parties, etc. He is using his mother's last name as his professional name, and he goes by the name Rob now. He has this really great song out called Drive-In Nights and the video is on Youtube. It's a great song and a great video. It is like a slide show of old nostalgic drive-ins. It sure brings back the memories of a time and day long gone.

So you have to check it out....his website is where you can see pics of my handsome godson. I get the song better on Youtube. If you google Rob Staffig, the youtube video comes up and you can watch it that way.

And guess what else I am excited about?? He is coming to Michigan in October for a wedding and I will finally get to see him again. I am so excited I could bust.

Through all these years I have thought about him often and wonder whatever happened to my little Shawn and if he's okay and how did he turn out. I have pictures of him when he was little and pictures of his mother. Every once in awhile I look at the pictures and wonder what should I do with these pictures. My family wouldn't really care or even know who he is. Now I can give them to him where they belong and he can pass them down to his sons.


....and Now

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Back in the "computer" saddle again.....

I got back from Caseville today. Hubby drove back Friday. It started out nice and then it got cold. After he left on Friday, it got nice again, so I was stuck getting a lot of the outside work done by myself. We did get some painting done in the bathroom. We also wanted to do some cleaning at the condo but when hubby and I went in, it sounded like someone was taking a shower somewhere but there was nobody else in the building, so I knew what that meant. I ran down to the office and told them that there is a pipe leaking water somewhere. The maintenance men came and sure enough the main pipe that runs from the place next door to under my bathtub was running big time. They had just turned the water on for the summer and apparently, a pipe had broke. Luckily, there is just sand underneath, so the water was running into the sand and not into my apartment....whew!! So anyway, they had to shut the water off until they could get it fixed, so we couldn't do any cleaning. After hubby left, it was back on, so I was left to clean by myself. I was going to put the screens in, but decided to deal with it next time I'm there.

This year we are going to put in a window A/C, and I want to put vertical blinds in and a ceiling fan and PAINT!...The place hasn't been painted in 20 years, so I think it's about time, dontcha think?

I don't have time to post alot. It's 12:30 a.m. and I have a noon dentist appointment tomorrow so I need to get some sleep.

But wanted to say that Ken Jezowski of "Helpinghands4cancer" passed away April 30. He gave a courageous mighty fight against his cancer for all the years he had it. He was an amazing guy with incredible wit, humor and strength. I loved reading his blog when he was able to post. Lately, his love Patty has been keeping everyone up-to-date with his progress as he has been too sick to post.

Also I have some news to write about...a blast from the past as they say. It's incredible to say the least, and I'm so excited.

Stay tuned....

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