Cherokee Rose

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Back from the Falls...

I got back from Niagara Falls Monday and had a great time. I got a decent room this time. In July when the rates are so high, especially on the weekends, I try to find a cheaper room. Last time I went in July I got a really yucky room. This time I stayed at the Rainbow Motor Inn and it was decent and even had a pool. I spent my days sightseeing and my evenings visiting Bill. He has two new cats cause he had to put down Happy Cat. He has a veranda that we sit out on and talk and Saturday one of his cats was sitting on the railing and someone shot off a firecracker and he fell off. So we and the neighbor women spent some time trying to get Austin back in the house cause he was scared, stunned and was hiding under the wooden porch. Bill was on his stomach crawling under the porch trying to get him out. A reminder...Bill is 92 years old!! He is always glad when I come and visit. He wishes I would move to Canada. Another reminder.....Bill now owns the house that my great-great grandparents lived in at the turn of the century and also built cause my great-great grandfather was a builder, and I met Bill on a geneology research about 3-4 years ago. I love to go visit him and sit in the house Jacob built and my great-grandmother Annie lived in when she was a teenager, especially since the house is still so original and like the way it was when it was built.

So now I'm back and this weekend we will be going to my in-laws to watch the old cars cruise Telegraph Rd this Saturday for the Dearborn Telegraph Cruise night.

Ok....back to my couch purchasing. Before I left for Niagara Falls I took my husband to Art Van to show him the couch I was buying to replace the small one that was already delivered. First off, he wasn't all that crazy about the couch, but mainly we pulled out the mattress part which I failed to do when I decided to buy it and the mattress was BAD....It wasn't nearly as good as the one that I already could feel the springs just pushing down on it. So we compared it to the one I had delivered already and that one is a New Englander and really really good. SOOOOOO I decided to switch couches again. I canceled the one I just ordered, and decided to stick with the original one but ordered it in a Queen size insted....which is costing me another $100, instead of getting $53 back. I had the salesman so confused he had to get the manager to figure it out....haha. So right now I have Art Van coming to Caseville to take back the full size couch and deliver the same couch in a queen size.

I'm using the library computer and have other things to do on it before my session runs talk to ya is my mother's birthday, she would have been 81.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Next Stop....Niagara Falls

I got back home Tuesday night and I'm using the library computer to post. I'm also checking out motels/hotels in Niagara Falls cause I'm leaving in the morning for there. I'll probably just get whatever cheap I can find. I know that it's July and the highest rate time.

So anyway I decided that the new full size sleeper sofa I had delivered to the condo from Art Van is way too small and my husband and son agree....soooooooo I decided to have it returned and get a queen size sofa sleeper. I went to Art Van last night and really lucked out. I found a queen size one in the clearance section for $50 less than what I paid for the "too-small" full size one. So they will pick up the one and deliver the other the first Friday of August, and I get a $53 credit on my credit card....they aren't going to charge me another delivery fee....lucky lucky me! It should fit okay cause I know that the queen size one I bought for the cottage would be too big and that's 92"....and this one is 84", whereas the full size one was only 74".....there is room for another 10". Lord, I hope it's okay cause I can't keep returning sofas!!!!
________________________________________ this morning a mouse got into my house...the back door was open for the dogs and Lucky came running in and I heard this squealing and Lucky was barking and scratching by the stove so I knew something was under there. Actually at first I thought he had one of his squeaky toys. So I yelled at him and later he was barking again at the stove and I heard this poor squealing again like the poor little mouse was scared. So I got Lucky into the other part of the room and put up a baby gate to keep him there and figured I would deal with the mouse later....try to get him outside or something. So I'm on the phone and this poor apparently stupid mouse comes out from under the stove and heads straight for the other side of the gate where Lucky was and he grabbed him! now the poor thing is squealing and crying and I'm yelling at Lucky but too late.....he drops the mouse and it's dead. So I have the dead mouse outside and my husband can bury it or something.

That's about it.....I've got my packing almost done and I'll be leaving tomorrow and won't be back until Monday. I called my friend, Bill, to be sure that this weekend is a good weekend for him and that he's still alive...haha...cause he's 92 years old now, and he said that he is excited that I will be coming and can't wait to see me....well, at least someone is happy to see me...hahahahaha


Sunday, July 16, 2006

It's as hot as hell here!!!!

I am still in Caseville and it is so damn HOT! It's been hot since the 4th of July with very little rain.....and the humidity is just awful. I shouldn't complain though, not after complaining all winter about the damn cold..haha

So I had my garage sale here in Caseville the 4th of July weekend and it was a bust....just too many garage sales up here on that weekend, I guess. I think I sold about $75 worth of stuff the first two by Sunday I decided I was not about to pack up all that crap and store it for another garage sale, so I told everyone who came to just take what they wanted....everything was all free, FREE, FREEEEEE! I got rid of almost everything that way and had very little to pack up and take to the thrift store in town.

My husband came up for his weeks vacation and my son drove up with his girlfriend for both weekends. It was such a hot week though that it was hard to even lay out outside. We barbequed some nights and went out to eat on others. At least my husband acted like he wanted to do a few things while he was here. We also bought some annuals and planted them in the garden. My flower garden looks so beautiful. I got a lot of compliments from people at the sale. I also pulled out the iris's that were in this back area in my backyard and we transplanted my tomato plants there and planted green and yellow peppers.

So what else have I been doing? Hanging out with my girlfriend and eating out at too many restaurants and shopping. I am sure I've gained another 5 pounds. Another friend stopped over yesterday to see my new place.

I think I'm going to leave for home by Monday or Tuesday. I am planning on driving to Niagara Falls next weekend....then there's the Dearborn Telegraph Cruis the following weekend and then then we are planning on going to a Tiger's game the following weekend. I will have to try and drive back up here at some point for a few days to get the grass cut and my flowers watered and check on things. But basically I won't get back here to stay until after the first weekend of August.

Oh, I also got rid of my old sofa sleeper at the condo and had my new one delivered from Art Van. Problem is that even though this new one is a full-size just like the other one, it seems to be a lot smaller looking. So now I'm thinking of having it returned and buying a queen size one.....not sure yet.

So what else?? Oh, we had a gas leak and called Consumer's Energy and a guy came out and red tagged it and turned our gas off!! I thought he would fix it....but we had to call our plumber/heater guy and they came out and fixed it and turned the gas back on. We were nervous about that leak. We could smell gas and I was afraid the whole place was going to blow up.

Oh and I had a birthday while I was here......definitely not a good one....I mean the age...haha. We didn't do anything or go anywhere...I was so not in the mood!

I'm at this store in Caseville where they have internet service and they charge by the hour so my hour is almost I'm signing off.....ciao...

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