Cherokee Rose

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Oh my has been so long since I've posted anything. I guess I've just been busy working now that tax season is here, which means that some nights I have to get to bed earlier than usual. Meaning, I don't spend a whole hell of a lot of time on the computer.

A few weeks ago I decided to run up to Caseville for a couple of nights. The Eagles were having a Soup and Salad thing with karoake afterwards on Saturday night. So Friday after work I headed up there. Apparently Friday nights may not always be a great time to go. On my way, I have to get off of I-75 at the same exit that the Palace is at. So if there is something going on at the Palace, then the traffic is backed up for at least a couple of miles. I didn't know that. So I'm wondering why the traffic is so slow in that lane.....and I'm creeping along....1/2 hour later and I'm only 1/2 mile ahead. I must have wasted almost an hour in that lane and finally decided to just screw it! I got out of the lane and ended up having to go past my exit and drive to the next exit. The traffic was horrible. I would have been in that lane another hour just to get on Lapeer Rd. So I took the next exit...which I was totally unfamiliar with. I had no clue where I was. I just knew I had to either stay North or I just kept driving on the road I exited on and kept watching my compass in my car. Eventually I found myself driving East and eventually I came to Lapeer Rd....whew! Then I knew where I was.

I finally got to my cottage around 10:30. So I go inside and it's pitch dark, and I'm carrying some groceries that I had gotten at Walmart when I went through Caro. I headed in the direction of the sink in the kitchen to turn on the light and set the groceries down on the counter when BAMMMMMMFUCKINBAMMMMMMMM!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL DID MY FOOT HIT??!! Oh Yeah...I always leave the cabinet doors open under the sink so the heat can get to them better. The top of my right foot totally crashed into the bottom edge of the cabinet door. I turned on the light and looked down. An open cut on my foot but no blood at all...but my foot had totally swelled up like a balloon around the cut....I mean, it was like the size of a baseball. I think I hit a vein or something and it was bleeding inside. Eventually, the swelling spread evenly over my whole foot. But at that point it was like it was numb or something, and I was able to finish bringing the stuff in from the car.

Then the pain started...and I couldn't even walk on it. I had to hop on one foot. So I got a dishpan of ice water and soaked it. Then I wrapped it in gauze cause I didn't have an ace bandage. By morning some of the swelling had gone down and I was able to walk and even put on a loose shoe. I took alot of ibuprofen. Then I went up to the Eagles Saturday night....but no dancing! Sunday I was able to drive home.

Then it got all black and blue and nasty looking. Hubby informed me that I shouldn't have wrapped it cause by putting pressure on it with the internal bleeding that blood clots could form and travel to my heart and kill me!! So then he really had me all worried and paranoid. So I didn't wrap it. But the swelling continued and the cut wouldn't heal right.

After about a week I went to the doctor who informed me that I SHOULD be wrapping it if I wanted to get the swelling down. And I had to put tons of antibiotic cream on it and keep it covered if I expect it to heal properly. Xrays were taken and confirmed that nothing was broken at least. I thought for sure there was a hairline fracture or something.

So another week or so goes by and still some swelling on occasion and the wound still not completely healed and very red and extremely sore and tender and painful at times. I put a butterfly bandage on it to hold it in place better and now after almost 3 weeks I can tell that it's healing up nicely. But the top of my foot is still very tender and I cannot wear most of my shoes....only shoes that are like slip ons with no lace tops like a gym shoe.

I haven't been to the gym in 3 weeks....and with Easter eating, I think I've gained 5 freakin pounds! I bought a pair of Danskin shoes that are more like a slip on that I am going to wear and try my Zumba class tomorrow night!

Luckily, summer is coming and I'll be living in sandals anyway!

P.S. I've been able to wear my heels to work because they are open on top and for some reason it is more comfortable with my heel raised instead of flat on the that worked out anyway. But I can't wrap my foot when I work, and when I come home my foot is usually swollen. But it's getting better little by little.

So that's bascially what I've been dealing with these past 3 weeks.


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