Cherokee Rose

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Case of the Missing Yellow Trash Can

Hubby likes to keep things around....even when they are no longer of any use. I throw it out....he finds some place to put it (cause ya just never know when you might need it one day). I don't like old dirty things...I like to replace old dirty things with nice new clean things. I don't give a rat's ass if the old dirty thing still serves it's function. I don't want old dirty things in my house!...well inanimate object things anyway. I think I'll keep hubby around as long as he bathes once in awhile!

Good Lord, must have been a few years ago, I decided to get rid of the old plastic yellow trash can that sits under our sink. I mean, after awhile, it starts to get to the point where you just can't clean it anymore and yucky stuff sticks to the bottom....old brown dried up banana peels with pieces of old eggshells stuck to it, etc. You know what I mean....I'm sure some of you have something like that sitting under your sink right now. So I go buy a nice new plastic trash can and put it under the sink and threw the old yellow one out the door...into the trash....bye-bye stinky trashcan!

Well, imagine my surprise when one day I notice this pathetic looking trash can sitting on the side of my garage. How the hell did it get there?? Need I ask, I ask myself. Sure enough, hubby thinks there is nothing wrong with it and you can still put stuff in it, like sticks and yard waste or whatever. long as it's not in my house.

So about a year ago when hubby was in the hospital and I was in control of Garbage Day, I took that old stinky, and now it is really stinky with old wet leaves stuck in the bottom, and I put it out with the trash.....AH-HA BYE BYE STINKY YELLOW TRASH CAN! So after the garbage truck leaves in the morning, I go out to put the regular big trash bins back and lo and behold, what do my eyes see?? That damn yellow trash can sitting there (and do I detect a smirky look from it??) WHAT?? Those stupid garbage guys didn't pick it up....they left it there. There was absolutely nothing in it for them to think it was just another trash container and I had it laying down with the garbage. Why the hell did they think I wanted it BACK!!?? So back to the side of the garage it went.

And I forgot about it for awhile....

Then about a month ago I was cleaning the side of the garage and there it laid in the wet muddy grass looking worse than ever. I poured out the rainwater and wet leaves and brought it inside the house where I proceeded to try and clean the damn thing. Not really sure why I was trying to clean it...guess I thought I could at least donate it to charity if I can't get the garbage guys to take it. It was so bad, it had permanent streaks of black marks on it. It was badddddd!

So I did what I had to do. I dried it off and snuck it upstairs in my room and hid it.....hubby totally unaware. Then when I had a chance, I got a pair of strong scissors and slowly cut that stinky yellow trash can into a dozen or so pieces. That plastic is hard but rubbery....took awhile but I got it all nice and cut up. Then I put all the pieces into a bag and stored it in my closet. Then the next time I went to Caseville, I snuck the bag into my jeep and off to Caseville it went.

And guess what I did with it once I got it to Caseville? That's right, I PUT IT IN THE GARBAGE! And the Caseville Garbage collectors picked it up and it's GONE GONE GONE from my life!!!!!

I'm sure hubby is still scratching his head wondering where the hell did that 'nice still-funtional' plastic yellow trash can went to. Did someone steal it??...How can it just disappear??? He hasn't asked me....cause he doesn't want to know.

I admit, every once in awhile I sneak a peek at the side of the garage just to make sure it hasn't come back. I mean...stinky trash cans are like matter where you take them to get rid of them, they always find their way home.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Caseville Blues....Car Repair Blues

I've been gone up to Caseville and just got back Monday. Last weekend was the Blues Festival at the Bella Vista where my condo is at. So I mainly went up there for that. They put a huge tent up out on the lawn down by the beach and set it all up with tables, dance floor and a bar. I don't really know how much they charge to get into the tent because all of us owners can enjoy the music without paying to actually sit inside the tent. Plus, we have our own beer! Guess it's one of the perks of having a place there. So I hung out by the beach and talked with a couple of the other owners and enjoyed the sounds of blues....they had a couple of bands playing throughout the evening.

I spent some time up at the Eagles while I was there. There was a ladies auxilliary meeting that I went the Friday fish/hamburger night. Sunday the ladies put on a big Father's Day breakfast for the men. They get there really really early and prepare all the food and start serving around 9:00. Since I am NOT a morning person and didn't even get to bed til 2 in the morning cause of the Blues Festival the night before, I didn't help out.....but I did show up in the afternoon to sit in the lounge with the ladies and drink Long Island Iced Teas!

Had a good week and also got some yard work done when the weather was good. Left the dogs and the bird home with hubby.

So by Monday I headed home....

Then I hit the gym big time to work off the Long Island Iced Teas...

Yesterday I took my car into the dealership to have them check out a weird noise my car was making....noticed it when I was in Caseville and was almost afraid to drive home. Something weird was going on by the back driver's side wheel. Turns out it something called a Rear End Axle Pinion Bearings or something. Gonna cost me over a grand to fix it. And with the weekend now, it won't get done til Monday or Tuesday.

So I'm driving hubby's car in the meantime....

Tonight I went to my high school class annual get-together. Not a regular reunion...just a get-together for those who live nearby, in town, or just like to drive a long ways to come see everybody. We usually get around 20 people. But tonight we had the biggest annual turnout....35 classmates! We had a great time!

It's after 1 a.m. and I got my Zumba class tomorrow at 11:30 so I better get to bed....

Monday, June 13, 2011

Another Time...Another World

A long long time ago there was a young maiden girl who at the tender age of 14 met a young, yet older, man of 20. He looked at her and knew she was the girl for him. She was flattered and quite taken with this man and also fell in love with him. During their brief courtship, she found herself 'with child' as they say. Far, far too young to be in that situation.....but they loved each other immenselessly. Her parents, although quite devastated I'm sure, understood...but more importantly they understood that this young man better marry their daughter! They married and at the tender age of 15, she became a mother for the first time. They had a little girl who they named after her. Then she became pregnate again shortly after and had another little girl.

The man found himself now to be not only a husband but also a father. He knew and understood the responsibilities....and he accepted them. He worked hard providing for his family. Every day he went to work in a factory and worked an assembly line.....every day.

She stayed home, and while she cooked and cleaned and changed diapers, she watched her friends date and go to proms and graduate from high school. Although there were many times she felt she was missing out on so much, she loved her husband and her family so very much.

The years passed and they had four more children....four sons to carry on the name. Their family was complete....six children. They had an enriching life....beautiful home and children as the man had provided well for his family through the years.

The children grew up and went on with their own lives...marrying and having children of their own. A few of those children went on to have children of their own, creating yet another generation.

There were trials and hardships along the way of their life together, but their love stayed strong and they can look upon their very close-knit family and be proud. Every Christmas ALL the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren spent the day together. It was truly a house blessed with four generations of people....all existing because of the love of one 14 year old girl and a 20 year old man many many years ago.

But this year, there will be one less. The 'young girl of 14' lost her soulmate of 50 years. The man had to leave his precious family. He had been ill. And his time and purpose on this earth had ended. His family will grieve...but the memories they will cherish forever. They will be okay. They are a strong family....and the love is abounding.

This is a true story. People I know. This is how it happened 50 years ago. Unfortunately this is probably not how it would happen nowadays.

In todays world, the 14 year old girl would have an abortion. Her beautiful daughter would have been eliminated and tossed away as trash. The 20 year old man would be arrested and have it hanging over his head the rest of his life. The existence of three more generations of beautiful people would not be. They would simply not even exist.

Unlike today, 50 years ago, people stood up and took responsibility. They didn't look for an easy way out.

And in the end they have been blessed.

As this family gathers to mourn and say good-bye to their patriarch, God will smile down on them....and he will be proud.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

What did YOU do with it????

I HATE when I can't find something. I know I'm always misplacing things. Guess I always have too much going on in my head...multi-tasking too much...and I get sidetracked easily. And, you know how it is, you put something somewhere not really thinking about it and then later you spend hours and days trying to find the damn thing....."What the hell did I do with it??!!!"

Alot of the time though I get lazy and set things down on a table with the intention of doing something with it later....or maybe I just want it where I can easily find it shortly cause I'll soon need it. That's when alot of things go missing. Hubby hates having stuff laying around on the table or kitchen HE puts it somewhere....somewhere where HE thinks it should go. Then, of course, later when I go to get it, it's not there. Or worse, because it's not there, I totally forget about it....i.e. like a list, then off to the store I go and don't have it. Why?, cause it wasn't on the damn table near my purse and I forgot it.

So I get very aggravated with hubby for constantly moving my 'shit'. When I put something in a certain place, I expect it to be there when I want it. Simple as that!

So the other day I had a $200 check I needed to deposit. I put it in my checkbook so I'd have it when I got to the bank. We needed to write a check for the asphalt guy last Friday and I had it all written out except for the "To" part. When the job was completed, hubby took the whole checkbook outside to finish writing it. When I came into the kitchen, I saw the check sitting on the kitchen counter. I then went on the computer and he came and wanted me to fill in the rest so the handwriting would be the same (at their request). Later we went to the Irish Fest.

By Tuesday I decided to go to the bank. I take out my checkbook to fill out the deposit slip and NO CHECK inside. WHERE THE HELL IS THE CHECK??? I remembered seeing it on the kitchen counter Friday. I asked hubby if he had put the check back into the checkbook where I had it. He said he didn't remember.

We looked everywhere....all over the kitchen counter, where we keep the bills, under the breadbox, drawers, all my purses I had been using. Turned everything upside down. Couldn't find it. I figured it had probably been pitched out with some junk mail on the counter. I was FURIOUS with him for taking it out of my checkbook in the first place.

I yelled and cursed and basically told him he's an idiot....

I told him in no uncertain terms that I am tired of him moving my stuff. If I put something in a particular place, it's cause that's where I want it to BE!! STOP MOVING MY SHIT!!!

Did we eventually find the check?

Yep.....I found it laying on the floor underneath my chair in the family room. Apparently, when I was paying bills Sunday night, I had taken it out of the checkbook and it fell on the floor. Apparently, the check WAS put back into the checkbook afterall.

Now I had two options. 1. I could NOT tell hubby I found it where I apparently had dropped it Sunday night and then later slip it farther under the breadbox and pretend I find it later. OR 2. Fess up and admit that I was the one who misplaced it.

I fessed up. I showed him the check and explained where it was and how it got there. I laughed about it....hee-hee. All he said was "Oh yeah, it's funny now." And that's about all he said to me the rest of the night.... maybe he wasn't responsible for the missing check this time....but trust me, there are LOTS of times when he is responsible for stuff I can't find and I don't say anything. So guess it kinda evens out....

(Next time I can't find something, I'm keeping my BIG MOUTH SHUT!!)


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