Cruise Night Saturday Night
Doncha just love the old classic cars?! That's one nice thing about can get the old classic car out of the garage or barn or storage or whereever people store them during the winter and get them out on the road once in awhile. That's what I love about the cruise nights. Last month I went to the Downriver Cruise and last night it was the Telegraph Cruise in Dearborn. We got down to our spot in front of the old bowling alley, right next door to White Castle shortly before 6:00. We would like to go earlier but we were getting rain and storms were predicted and nobody really knew if it was going to be a bust or not. I had heard that earlier in the day it seemed like a ghost town along Telegraph Road...not alot going on. But it cleared up later in the day so we headed down. Instead of the storms we ended up with beautiful evening weather. The people were out and the cars were out and it was a true cruise party. Eventually a lot of our family showed up with their classic vehicles....a '68 GT Mustang, an '88 Mustang and my son came with his '64 Chevy Impala that he just recently acquired. We had a really really good time last night. Thankfully, it never stormed! Oh, and I got my White Castle cheeseburgers!

My sister-in-law and I standing by her husband's '68 Mustang...
Then today I decided to go to the show and see "Inception" with Leonardo Dicaprio and it was a total waste of time. This stupid movie was 2 1/2 hours long! Plus, the theater was ice cold...the temp in there must have been near 50 degrees and I was freezing. I almost walked out a couple times, but I knew if I did then I'd be awake all night wondering how the hell this movie ended and if it ever made sense or I'd end up wasting another 4 bucks and renting it when it came out so I could find out. So I decided to stay and endure it. Lord, it was a godawful movie. It made no sense to me at all. Who the hell writes this crap??
Anyway, I'm driving to Caseville tomorrow for a few days to get my lawn cut...and I'll do bingo Wednesday night cause the jackpot is up to $3000 and then I'll drive home on Thursday. I'm meeting a friend on Saturday. I think we're going to go to Greenfield Village for the day....not sure yet.
I'll write when I get back....
Friday Night LIVE........
Yeah...It's Friday night and I'm still alive so I guess that's a good thing. Hubby and I went up to our local bar and grill in town and bought some fish dinners. We got a pitcher of beer and then bought individual beers cause I really prefer my 'light' beer. I played the Keno and didn't win a damn thing. I couldn't believe that none of my numbers would not come up tonight! So I lost about $13....We sat out on the covered patio but we sat near the open window area and it started pouring rain and thundering and lightening and it was really bad so we had the waitress shut the window area down a little so I wouldn't get so wet from the rain coming in. When it cleared up she opened it back up.
That's about it......It's Friday rained and thundered and lightening and I survived. Tomorrow is the Telegraph Cruise so we will be going down to our favorite spot in front of the bowling alley and next to the White Castle and watch the old classic cars drive by. And we'll eat lots of greasy White Castle burgers. I use to own a '55 Chevy....a '62 Mercury Comet....a '66 Corvair and hubby use to own a '68 Camaro and a '40's something Mercury I think. So we love the car cruises. Right now I'm driving a 2002 Rosy Red Jeep Cherokee!!...and one day even IT will be a classic.....
So tomorrow I'll get the chairs in the jeep and pack the cooler with ice and beer and we'll have a good time.
Tigers and Lions and Bears.....OH MY!
I went to the Detroit Zoo yesterday and had a nice time looking at all the animals and letting them look at me. I must have walked 10 miles it seemed, but then when I got to the end I decided to buy me a big-ass ice cream cone....I know, not too smart....I put all the calories back in that I had just walked off. Oh well...
I was disappointed that there were a few animals I couldn't see cause they just weren't around. I didn't see any bears....I barely caught a glimpse of the gorilla as he was sauntering away out of sight....I didn't see any polar bears swimming....and of course, there are no more elephants to see cause they shipped them off to California where it is much better for them. I guess Winky passed away a couple years ago.
My favorite was the MEERCATS! I think they are just so damn cute!
I thought the cats were gone, but they ARE BAAAAACCCKK....Mama kitty and two of her kittens were around last night. The third little cute one is still missing. Haven't seen them yet today....maybe later. I have no idea where they go when they are not around here. Maybe Mama kitty has another home somewhere.
I've been listening to, watching and reading "The DaVinci Code". I have the audio book in my car CD player and I'm listening to the story....then I was anxious to see it played out so I watched the DVD on TV....and then I bought the book so I'm also reading parts of it. I should be an expert on this movie when I get done! It's an interesting story....although I don't understand what all the controversy was about...I mean, it's a FICTIONAL book. Dan Brown didn't write it as fact. God, some people are stupid. But it's a damn good fictional book. But I admit that there COULD be some truth to it....ya never know!! After all, Christ was human, wasn't he?
Oh, my aching back....
My lower back has been acting up again...damn! I replaced both of my too-soft mattresses for hard-as-a-rock firm ones and I am sleeping more comfortably now; but while I was in Caseville I wanted to take a bike ride and needed to put air in the tires. So while I was crouching by the tires trying to put air into the tires, I wrenched my lower back when I went to stand up. I could feel it and knew I was in trouble. So I came home whining and moaning about my back and hubby now thinks that all this mattress replacing was a waste of time and money. It isn't the mattresses's cause I screwed up my back when I was crouching down trying to put air in my tires!!! So's anyway...Motrin was not helping....Ibuprophen wasn't helping...then hubby suggested Tylenol...yeah, like plain ole Tylenol is going to do anything. But I was desperate, so I went to Rite-Aid and bought an extra strength one (650 mg) and I've been taking 2 tablets every 8 hours and I have to admit that my back is much much better. Better by maybe 50% so I'm still babying it and taking my Tylenol.
Although if it doesn't get 100% better I'm thinking of trying acupuncture. I drove by a building advertising acupuncture to quit smoking, back pain, and even weight loss!! So I'm thinking about checking it out. Maybe I can lose some weight that way. Nothing else I'm doing is working. Before I went to Caseville I was walking and bike riding and lost about 8 pounds....then I went to Caseville. No walking, no bike riding, beer drinking, cheeseburgers, ice cream, beer drinking (oh, I already said that) and eat, eat, eat, and I think I gained 10 lbs. And now I have to baby my back so I'm afraid to ride my bike or do much walking yet either.
I told my husband that I never had a freaking back problem until we bought the cottage. I was blaming the mattresses but I think it all started cause of those damn flower beds that I have to get down on the knees and weed all the time. My back can't take much more. He suggested I pull all the damn flowers out and fill the whole thing in with mulch and let it all go to hell. I'm thinking about it. I mean, I NEVER pulled weeds before in my life until I bought this place. The first summer I had the place, I thought they were just some nice plants growing in my garden until my neighbor informed me that they were weeds and I needed to pull them out cause they were choking the mums. Well, I pulled them out and planted more flowers but then the weeds just came back which puzzled me. I guess I thought that once I pulled them out, they were gone forever....WRONG! I spent all summer pulling weeds. The next summer I pulled and then put in Preen which helps alot but those damn weeds still sneak in here and there. This summer I put mulch on the side flower bed and that is helping although I still had some weeds to pull just before I came home. See...besides pulling my back when I was trying to put air in my tires...I also weeded my flower gardens just before I came wonder my back is bad. It's those damn weeds!
I should hire a gardner....yeah right...LOL
Happy Friday!
I know I haven't posted anything for awhile. I've been in Caseville for the past couple weeks and just got back yesterday. I had my birthday (yippee yippee) while we were in Caseville and I had a really nice birthday with hubby. First we went out to dinner at this nice restaurant in Caseville...first time we've been there with the new owners and it's really nice with tablecloths on the tables, etc. Then we went up to the Eagles for drinks with my girlfriend. After we left the Eagles we decided to stop at the Bella Vista lounge for a couple more drinks. We haven't been in there in years. That's where my little one-bedroom condo is at....there's a restaurant/bar/lounge there. I use to go in there alot when I used the condo cause they have music and a friend and I use to love to go there and dance. But that was eons ago. So anyway, hubby and I decided to stop in and see if anything has changed. There weren't very many people in there at first. We got in there about 10:30. I remember in the 'old days' the place would be packed every Fri and Sat night in the summer....but not anymore. Not with the cops waiting to haul your ass in for having a good time....and the no-smoking has killed whatever business there was left anyway. I think there were about a half dozen people in there....very sad. But by midnight a party bus pulled up and over 30 people came in and the place started rocking. Although we left shortly after they got there. Guess it got too noisy for
I guess you can bring coolers and drink on a party bus. They were showing us pictures from their cell phones and the bus even had a pole for the girls to dance on...haha. It looked like a lot of fun. But I don't really understand why you can drink on a bus....but passengers in your car can't drink. I mean, you can't have any open containers of alcohol in your car, but a bus can have coolers with beer and alcohol and people drinking and partying....and NO SEAT BELTS EITHER. I don't understand that....
4th of July weekend was great. My son and his girlfriend, her daughter and a cousin came and stayed at the condo. They got there late in the afternoon on Saturday cause she had to work part of Saturday. But we all got together in the evening and went down to the beach and watched the fireworks. Sunday, I spent the afternoon on the beach with them. He had the jetski out and he had brought up another jetski that he ended up selling while he was there. Hubby didn't see them on Sunday cause he has to stay out of the sun and doesn't do the beach thing. We had a family barbeque planned for Monday and taking the kids in town for ice cream, etc, but those plans went a little haywire. So we did a quick lunch barbeque on Tuesday before they had to leave.
Monday my godson and his brother were coming to the area and he wanted to stop by and have me meet his brother. He has been looking for his brother for a long time. They were separated when they were ages 5 and 2 many years ago and were each adopted to separate families. He finally found him!! It turns out he lives about an hour or so from where my cottage is.....and my godson grew up near where my cottage is also. Now my godson lives in Wyoming but he was so excited to finally find his 'little' brother (who is not so little anymore...haha) that he drove almost 2000 miles to get here and meet him. So anyway, Monday they drove up to the thumb area so he could introduce him to his family and wanted to stop by my cottage so I could meet him as well. The last time I saw his brother, he was 1 years old! Their mother was a school friend of mine in the old days. She adopted them out when she couldn't take care of them anymore.....A long story. (Actually my godson and I reunited just a couple years ago through his searching.) So anyway, it was exciting to finally meet this long lost brother and also to see my godson like I said, the 4th of July weekend was great!!
So now I'm home and today the bathroom sink was plugged up bad and hubby took the pipes apart and figured there was just hair in there, but it was way more than that. He finally had to call in a professional plumber who basically had to use the little snakey thing....but it's all fixed now. I HATE plumbing problems!
MY SON CLOSED ON HIS NEW HOUSE TODAY!!!!!! So it's a done deal. They are so excited. He's going to replace some carpeting and do some painting before they move in. Now he has to sell the other house. He has someone who is interested in looking at it. I'm hoping he'll get lucky. He has a nice house.
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