Smelly Gas....and glue for dinner....
Today our town had their annual HHW....Hazardous Household Waste...dropoff. There's a list a mile long of stuff they don't want you to just throw in your trash (like I do most of the time, I admit), but instead they want you to put it all in your car and come to their site and drop it off. Hey...sounds good. I have a few old TV's I want to get rid of. Hubby has this car that's been sitting in our garage for probably 5 years now not running. So he decided to drain the gas out of it and he put it all in about 4 gas cans to take up to the HHW site.
I had already been there earlier and waited in a long line of cars all filled with things like old paint, varnish, car oil, anything toxic in bottles that you shouldn't pour down your drain (like I do most of the time, I admit). I was starting to feel a bit guilty with just my 3 old TV's. So I told them that I have some gas I'm going to be bringing up later.
By the time hubby and got there later the line of cars was so backed up that we must have waited and slowly crept along for over 1/2 hour. In the meantime, my low-gas dinger sound went off. I totally forgot to put gas in my car! So we're creeping along and my gas is getting lower and lower. And in the meantime, the gas fumes from all the cans of gasoline in the back of my jeep was making me nauseous and I was getting a headache. We had put all the windows down, but it was getting stronger and stronger and we were getting colder and colder with the windows down. And my car was getting weaker and weaker from the lack of gas in it's gas tank. I asked hubby if we could take some of the 5 year old gas in the cans and just pour it in the tank and get the hell out of there! I guess, not a good idea....
Just as I was getting near the fainting stage, we finally made it to the end where someone took the cans out of my car. But hubby wanted the cans back, so we had to wait for them to pour the gas into something else and bring us back the smelly gas cans. I finally made it to a gas station and by the time I got home, I was literally sick of smelling gas.....ewwwwwwww!!
Tonight I decided to have some deli macaroni with the chicken tenders and fries I was going to have for dinner. I went up to the local store and didn't want to wait in the deli line, so I decided to just grab some already in a tub in the cooler thingy. Usually, they USE to fill tubs of macaroni, potato salad, cole slaw, etc from the deli and put it out for sale in the cooler areas, but they have since changed things around....and I hate when they change things around! now they have this prepackaged crap in the coolers. I bought one of those thinking it was the deli macaroni. We had it with our dinner, but I told hubby that I was taking it back cause it tasted like crap. I told him that it tasted like old glue to me. Of course, he thought it tasted just fine since he has no sense of taste or smell anyway! Trust me, it tasted like horsey glue crap....
So I took it back to the store. I told the guy that it was that prepackaged crap and that it tasted like glue. He looked at me like he thought I was nuts, but he gave me a store credit for $1.99. Then I went and waited in yet another line and finally got DELI macaroni. I haven't tasted it yet since I have lost my appetite from all the smelly gas and gluey tasting mac from before. I'll try it tomorrow.
Wednesday ramblings.....
Son is still waiting to hear about the house he put the offer on. It looks good so far. The seller agreed to it and signed the papers, but now it has to be presented to the bank for approval because of the short sale. The listing agent took the house off the website so as not to generate any more interest from others. My son put his offer in on Saturday and by Monday there were two more offers from buyers who didn't even go inside the house! They saw the pictures online and probably checked it out from the outside and put an offer on it. The listing agent said that my son was the only one who actually made an appointment and went inside. This agency is real hard to get ahold of for some reason. And I'm sure people were trying to get ahold of somebody. Also, my son has worked with this agency when he sold his first house. So he is actually a past client of theirs. So the owner of the agency is giving him first chance. Basically, it's his as long as the bank agrees to everything.
It was a beautiful day today!! I got out and did my 3 mile walk. Things should start slowing down at my tax job. Most of our clients are done, just the ones who always wait until the end of March to get their stuff in. I got mine done! I just have to print it out and get it mailed in. My son had to get a corrected W-2 because his new second job that he started in November got his social security number wrong. I talked to him today and he said he has it. Can't get his taxes done until I have the right W-2!
He got a job doing security at a high school which is nice cause he works school hours and is off when there's no school. So he'll have the summer off and basically will just work his regular Brinks job then. I guess occasionally they do random locker searches....and this girl was getting all hyper about it....and it turned out she had drugs in her locker! They had cops and drug-sniffing dogs in for that and the dogs were going nuts at her locker...haha.
It's Saturday...
Today hubby and I went to look at another house with my son. A new house went on the market overnight in the area that he's been looking. So he called his agent and made an appointment to look at the house. We met him there and were just as impressed with the house as he was. He decided to make an offer on it. He's already put offers on two houses that didn't pan out so we're hoping he gets this one. Time will tell. It's another short sale deal, so the bank has to approve the sale.
We went to an estate sale on the way back home and I found a cute cabinet/dresser for my cottage up north. I'm going back tomorrow for the 50% off day. They had literally hundreds of CD's. I bought a K.D. Lang CD and I'm hoping to get more tomorrow for half off.
I took Mini Sue to the pet store and she saw her teacher from when she took her lessons a year ago. Maryanne even remembered her. As soon as she saw her she said, "MINI SUE"!
I took her to the vet last week for her vaccines and a check-up. I decided to have a complete blood work done on her just to be sure that everything is normal. We got the results back and everything is in the normal range.....YES!!
So I finally decided to go to the show and see "Shutter Island" and it's off....guess I missed it and I'll have to wait for it to come out on DVD. So we watched an older movie with Michael Keaton "The Good Cop". There is absolutely NOTHING on TV tonight. There is never anything good on Saturday nights. Saturday night is always movie night.
I think I ate too much popcorn.....
My St. Paddy's Day evening...
I worked until 5:30 today so by the time I got home and changed clothes, redid my makeup and put the dogs out, it was close to 7:00 by the time we got up to O'Malleys for our St. Paddy's dinner. The place was packed and we walked around the two main areas trying to find a place to sit....and no place at the bar either...and then we spotted our friends, Bill and Joanne and there were two empty seats next to them at their table. They had ordered the corn beef and cabbage and it looked really good so that's what I got. So the three of us had the corned beef and cabbage and hubby orderd FISH AND CHIPS....who the hell orders fish and chips on St. Patrick's Day?? Joanne thought it was even weird that they even had it on the special St. Patrick's Day menu.
I had my first beer in over 2 months!!!!! I wanted an Irish beer so I ordered two Killians and later a Guiness. Couldn't believe the prices when we got the bill.....the Killians were $5 a piece and the Guiness was $6.25!! Holy Hell, I could have bought a whole 6-pack for that
But I won our dinner anyway. Bill and I played the Keno and my 3 numbers (7-11-14) came up and I won $27! Then after they left, I played two numbers ( dad's birthday) and it came up twice and I won another $22.....won $49 altogether!!...Hey, it paid for our dinner and my extravegant drinks.
We got home in time to see the results of American Idol. Why oh why am I wasting my freakin' time on this show????? I have already missed most of it due to the fact that I would rather watch ANYTHING ELSE, but I did my best to watch it last night....literally running back and forth between my TV in my family room and my TV in my living room...(I was taping Lost so couldn't just change the channel)...and I know which ones will stay for awhile without my vote. So I decided to vote for the one girl that I think will need the votes and I would like to see stick around for awhile before she'll probably get voted off anyway....Lacey. So I gave a lot of votes for Lacey last night....and some to Michael and some to Crystal. Well, tonight Lacey got voted off!! WTF....Why did I bother? God, I hate this show....
OK....THAT'S IT....I went to the Votefortheworst website and they are telling us to vote for Tim cause he's the worst. That's who I thought for sure would get voted off this week, but no...talented Lacey got voted off even with my votes. So guess what???? Guess who's getting my votes next week??? To hell with the whole show...I'm voting for TIM URBAN...."helmet head" as they call him. They have a picture of Darth Vader with his hair on the website..haha. love their website.
Personally, my choice for the worst would be Andrew Garcia....
Oh, I had my "kiss me, I'm Irish" button on and this guy asked me if I was really Irish and I told him about my Gr-Gr-Gr-grandparents being from Ireland so he gave me a kiss!..
There's a Green Beer out there waiting for me...
So Happy St. Paddy's Day to everyone! I've been on this no-beer diet since Jan. 2 (lost 8-9#'s so far), but tonight I'm celebrating my Irish roots. Hubby and I will go out to this Irish bar near us, and I'm having Irish Stew and green beer! But after tonight, I'll go back on my no-beer diet for another month or so.
I'm from the Mahoney clan of Clare County, Ireland. Here's a picture of my great-great grandmother, Kate Mahoney, and her mother Mary Mahoney:

I guess that's the biggest picture I can get....
Even my dogs celebrate St. Paddy's Day. Today Mini is Mini Mahoney and Keno is Keno Kilarney!...Hahaha
We're also hoping to see some Caseville/Eagles friends at the bar. They have a place near Caseville and are Eagles members, but they live near us....Bill and Joanne. I guess they were there last year and spotted my hubby when he went to use the men's room but that was when we were just leaving. So tonight we'll look for them.
I'm working today but I have tomorrow off which is good. I'm wearing green today...
Down Memory Lane....
Yesterday I drove out to a couple of Estate Sales in the vicinity of where I grew up as a teenager. I couldn't believe the one house....only in my wildest dreams could I ever live in a house like that!...must be nice. So anyway after the sales I came back home down the road that took me to my old street to the house my dad built.
Back around 1959/1960 my parents decided to move out of the city. My dad wanted to buy himself an acre of land and build his own house and have chickens and horses. He was in the building business, so between himself and his friends he built a 3 bedroom ranch with a family room and fireplace on an acre of land. Back then the lots were selling and other homes were being built here and there. It was in a township with lots of trees and dirt roads. I distinctly remember the summer the house was ready and we moved in. I was 14. Also, just down the street lived a super good-looking guy who happened to be 15.....just my dad's luck!!...haha. Super good-looking guy ended up being my on again/off again boyfriend for the next 4 years. He had a motor scooter and he would ride down to our house, pick me up and off we'd go riding down the dirt roads. And we spent many lazy summer afternoons taking walks up and down that old dirt road. We'd walk to the end of the road, turn right and walk to the railroad tracks and then walk back.....probably did that a zillion times. School days I would walk to the corner where there was a little 2 pump gas station and get the school bus that would bus me to the high school in the main city. It was very rural, rustic and serene back in those days.
My dad built himself a small barn in the back with a corral and he bought himself his first horse, Pixie. He had a sign made up that he hung up over the barn and it read "Pixie's Ponderosa". He loved to ride his horse and he'd ride her down the road to another friend's place that owned a horse farm. Later her bought "Amber" but she was a little too fat for him, so he put her on a diet. But she still kept gaining weight. He finally began to suspect she might be pregnate...called in a vet...and sure enough, she was pregnate! She fouled a little filly soon afterwards. One morning, he went out to the barn to feed her and there she was nursing her filly.
Behind our land there was a woods and next to our lot, there was nothing but field to the main road. We were very isolated and we liked it that way. But pretty soon word came that crews were coming in and cutting down the woods behind us and apartment buildings were going to be built. And the expressway was going to be coming through on the other side of the apartments. And the nice empty field next to us was being sold and since it was also on a corner and on a main road, a theater of some type was going to be built there. Progress was coming to our little quiet piece of heaven. That's all my dad needed to hear. He sold the house, bought a few acres about 5 miles down the road and built himself another house. By that time, I was married, so it was just he and my mom who lived there. They were happy there until another more mightier intrusion interrupted their peaceful lives....cancer. My wonderful father passed away in 1979 at the young age of only 52. anyway....yesterday I drove down my street to see my old house. Of course, now the road is wider and paved. Apartment buildings and roads are looming over the back of the lot. A GFS store and parking lot is right next door to our house where the empty field use to be. The "Center Stage" and parking lot use to be there but they tore that down and now there are stores. Across the road where there use to be houses down to the corner, well...all the houses are torn down (including super good-looking boyfriend's house) and more parking lots and stores all the way down to the corner on the main road.....that same corner where the little 2 pump gas station stood where I and my BF would wait for the bus.
My father's house is now basically surrounded by "progress" as they call it. There is no rural rustic feeling anymore and the serenity is gone. What stands now is a symbol of the greed in this more stores, spend more money, buy more crap, and the American dream has become an American nightmare. Well, I still have my dreams and my memories of those long-ago days when time seem to stand still and there was something special to remember many years later.
American Idol Results.....and man jokes
Watched American Idol tonight and most of my favorites are staying in the game. I was sad to see Todrick go cause I think he probably had more talent than the rest of them put together. And I felt bad for Alex because I really think that he has an unusual voice that sometimes reminded me a bit of Dylan. Let's face it....if American Idol had been around back in the 60's, most of our legendary singers probably wouldn't have even made it to Hollywood week! I'm glad to see that Crystal made it through, however, she seems a bit gloomy to me....didn't see her even crack a smile when Ryan told her she made it to the top 12. I couldn't really judge the girls though because I only saw them sing one time....and I think I missed most of the guys one night. There are other better shows on TV to watch.
I picked up some books at an estate sale last weekend. One of them is called "Truly Tasteless Disadvantaged White Male Jokes"....inotherwords, stupid man jokes.
...."A MAN"
One year ago today.....we got KENO!
One year ago today (well actually March 8th but it was on a Sunday) we picked up our little Keno and brought him home. I remember being so excited that I could hardly wait to leave to go get him. And we hadn't even seen him yet. We had only seen a few pictures of him that the Rescue place had put on the internet in hopes of finding him a new home. But we fell in love with him sight unseen and knew that he belonged with us.

I took this picture shortly after he came to our house. He was so scared. But now he runs the house...haha. He knows that he is in his forever home.
Yesterday I saw an ad on Craigslist where somebody is trying to find a home for their 3 year old female Chihuahua.....I mentioned it to hubby.....he won't even look at her picture...LOL
Oh my achin' back...
I worked three days this week. They changed the furniture in my office. I loved the chair I had because it was so great for my back. The new chair they gave me the end of the day my back was killing me. So my boss went to Staples and bought me a new chair...and I love it! No more back pains. I need to buy me a new chair for my computer room here at home. I've had the same chair for about 10 years now and I get back pains when I'm on the computer too reason why I try and stay off the computer. Everything seems to cause back pains for me mattress at home; my mattress at the cottage; my computer chair; and even my chair that I sit in when I watch TV in the family room. My husband has put some plywood underneath the cushion of my chair and he's put some drywall pieces under the mattresses of my beds. It helps somewhat. I really just need to buy me new firmer mattresses and a new computer chair. My old muscles and old bones need more support...
I wanted to go to the show tonight and see "Shutter Island" but I didn't get a chance. So instead we watched "Miracle" with Kurt Russell....the true story of the 1980 USA Hockey Team that beat the Russians in the Winter Olympics that year. Very good movie...
Nothing much is going on to write about....I'm still on my no-beer diet. I haven't had a beer since Jan. 2!! But I'm definitely drinking me some green beer on St. Patrick's Day which is coming up soon. I think I've lost 6-7 pounds...big deal...I did finally get my refund for those phoney-baloney diet patches that I bought and tried for 12 days and didn't see any results to speak of. They actually did send me my money back! Hubby couldn't believe that I actually spent $60 on those things and that I actually believed that I would lose 2 pounds a day for 12 days just by sticking a patch on my arm or wherever I put it each day. Well, they said money-back guarantee and they didn't lie about THAT anyway...
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