Cherokee Rose

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy B'Day Hubby.......where's your money??

Today is hubby's birthday....! With all the snow we've been dumped with I wasn't sure if we would go out to eat like we do every year or not. He spent all day shoveling our driveway, and I shoveled the back patio and all the areas that the dogs like to run....from the patio all the way to the chicken wire part where they love to bark at whoever or whatever they see in the front, and from the patio all the way around this tree that they love to run around and bark at the squirrels in the tree. So we did alot of shoveling....cause we got dumped big time with all that nasty white stuff. You know the type....when all the schools are closed type.

I managed to get my car out and go shopping for a birthday cake and some lottery tix for hubby. And I got some valentines sent out for the grandkids. Then my son came over and the three of us went out to dinner. They ordered steaks and I ordered the ribs, and they were the best damn ribs I've ever tasted!! And a crew of the wait staff came over with a birthday dessert and sang a silly song for him...which was funny! Then we came home and my son gave him a really neat present. It's a piece of driftwood with this face of an old man with a beard on it...a very unusual piece. We both really like it and we have the perfect place to hang it in our family room. We thought about taking it to the cottage, but we really want to keep it here. There's a wall with a picture that I have been wanting to replace with something else and just haven't found the right thing. I knew I didn't want just another picture and this is perfect....


Oh...Woe is the bank statement came, which always makes me break out in a sweat cause I absolutely abhor trying to balance my checkbook. Maybe once a year I get it to balance on the first try but every month it's a challange. No matter how careful I try to be with my recording checks, adding and subtracting, there are always errors that I have to find in order to balance. Sometimes the mistakes are in my favor and I end up with more money in my checking account than I thought. But sometimes and most of the time, I end up with less money than I thought. I've been off sometimes as much as $100 or so. Well, this month took the cake...! I made so many errors that I ended up with over $1000 LESS in my account. I kinda wondered why there was so much extra money in my checking account. Twice, not once, but TWICE I mistook a number when subtracting. Once I thought a 4 was a 9, which gave me $500 more than I really had. And another transaction I thought a 7 was a 9 which gave me $200 more....that accounted for $700 more in my account than I actually had. Then there were several transactions where I added the checks instead of substracting them!! I am such a f'ng moron!! It's a good thing I didn't have checks bouncing all over the place. But I keep a lot of money in the checking account since I only get about 1/4% interest in my savings anyway.

So how was your day??


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