Cherokee Rose

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Here at the library.....

I'm here at my library using the computer because my computer totally crashed. My harddrive is basically corrupted. A few weeks ago I received an email through Facebook that contained a link to a virus-infected corrupt video that I clicked on cause I thought it was coming from a friend. It f'ed up my computer. Last week, my comp told me there was malicious software and recommended that I click on something to repair it. It did a scan of all my files and found viruses and supposedly repaired them. My computer was better but I still felt there was something wrong. So yesterday I got on my computer in the morning and everything was fine. I was in "Freecycle" and left it there on the screen for my husband to check out if he wanted to and I left for the day. When I returned, my screen was black with words telling me that 'Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt......\windows\system32\config\system'. I asked hubby if he had been on the computer and he said 'no'...he hadn't even been on it. I had left it online on the Freecycle screen. Sometime after I left it went "KAPUT"!

I tried to repair it with my system CD but it doesn't work cause I get something that reads 'the system registry may be damaged'. I am totally PISSED!! I may have to take it in somewhere and see if they can do anything with it. I may have to buy a whole new computer. And I will probably lose all my shit. Thanks Facebook!

Keno got out of the yard again today! That little scamp was barking and going nuts at the chicken wire part cause he saw a squirrel in the front yard. We were watching him and suddenly we saw him put his feet in the openings and started climbing. I ran to the door to yell at him, but hubby said it was too late....he had climbed up and jumped over! He ran like the wind.....and hubby was chasin' him. He caught him and I think he's going to be staying in the house for the rest of his life!! Hubby has another idea of buying higher chicken wire and bending it at the top so even if he tries to climb it, his head will just hit the bent over wire and he won't be able to jump over. Well, maybe that will work...until his little brain figures out another escape route.

I bought Keno a Santa (Santa Keno) suit and Mini Sue has a red Xmas (Mrs. Mini Claus) sweater. I took pictures of them in front of the tree yesterday and they look so cute. I had planned on downloading the pic and posting it but now I can't do anything....

I am leaving Friday for Caseville for the holidays. Hubby will probably get my Xmas shopping done over the weekend and drive up by Tuesday. We'll spend Xmas and New Year's there. We're planning on going to the Eagles for New Year's Eve. Then I'll be back shortly. Then I'll deal with my F#@%### computer! I think for my New year's resolution I'm going to give up "beer for a year"...well, not exactly a year (but it rhymed)...but at least for a few months until spring/summer. Since I'm going to be starting those diet patches in January, I really have to lay off the beer carbs or I'm defeating my purpose. Now I'm not giving up booze, just beer. Beer has way too many carbs. On the other hand, rum, gin, vodka, whiskey has almost no carbs....and with diet pop, it's fine to drink on a diet. So that's the plan.

Now is 2010 suppose to be called "Two Thousand Ten", or "Twenty Ten"??

Hope everybody has a great Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Cookies and Diets...

Yesterday I went to the show and saw that movie "Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire". It is a very disturbing movie as far as the subject matter. It's not a movie for everybody. I figured I'd go see it at the movies since I know it's not a movie my husband would want to watch on DVD. It punches you in the gut. I don't know if it is a true story or not...maybe just 'based' on facts. I want to get the book and read it cause there is so much more to the story than what is seen in the movie. If it is a true story, I feel so sorry for Precious....she had a hard life, with very disturbed sick parents.

Today I spent all day in the kitchen making Christmas cookies. I think I made over four dozen of two different kinds. I am not a baker and I don't usually do Xmas cookies, but I got in the mood and had a recipe book for Christmas cookies and thought I'd give it a try. Of course, my kitchen was a total mess. I had to separate an egg and it took a few eggs before I got it right. I put dough in a Tupperware container to put in the fridge for an hour, and as I was pushing the top down to seal it, I used my elbow and the whole top cracked....guess I pushed down too hard. But everything turned out okay. So now I have all these cookies and I'm suppose to be starting a new diet thing in January. Hope hubby eats them all!

I ordered and bought this new diet patch. It's called the "size zero diet patch"...guarantees a 2 pound loss every day. You get 12 patches and it's guaranteed you'll lose 24 pounds in 12 days. If you don't, you get your money back. So I figured what have I got to lose. I only want to lose 12-15 pounds, so 12 patches should do it. They claim that if you continue to use these patches, you'll eventually be a size zero.....unless they mean that the damn things will kill you and that's why you'll be a size zero!! Has anybody seen the picture of Courtney Love on one of those rag mags?? OMG, she looks like a walking skeleton. I wonder if she's on these patches???

Hubby took his car into the dealership this morning to have some recall thing checked and a problem with his power steering fixed. And I also went to Meijers and bought little Keno a Santa suit for Christmas. Mini Sue already has a 'Mrs. Claus' outfit to wear. They look so cute together. I hope I can get a good picture of them to post.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friday night at 'Sandy's'.....

There's a bar & grill here in our town that hubby and I like to go to once in awhile. At Christmas time they really deck the halls with lots of Christmas decorations. They use alot of animated figurines and it's always nice to go there and see and enjoy it all. Last night hubby and I went there for dinner. We got fish sandwiches and fries. The place was packed, but then again it's always packed on the weekends. We always have to wait in line for a table. It's a very popular place.

So we enjoyed an evening out. I played Keno and won a few bucks. We got a couple pitchers of beer. Didn't stay late cause we hate leaving our little (canine) ones for very long. It was a nice evening out for us.

Didn't do much today. We watched "Funny Farm" on DVD with Chevy Chase. I love that movie. I had been thinking about that movie cause of the Christmas scene in it and I haven't seen it on TV in a very long time. So I went on Ebay and found it. Would you believe that the day the DVD came in the mail, I saw in the TV Guide that "Funny Farm" was on!

That's about it....

Bye-Bye Git-Tar....

Remember that guitar I bought a year ago??...yeah, probably don't even remember what I'm talking about...but I was going through my Dylan/Baez stage and decided to buy a 'git-tar' and 'learn me how to play the gee'tar'. Well, it looked easy enough to me. So I began to teach 'meself' the simple chords. I don't know...I think my fingers are too short...but it wasn't as easy as Dylan makes it look.

So I sat my guitar up along with all my Elvis memorabilia like my Elvis Wine bottles and I was hoping maybe one day the King would teach me to play. Like anything else, the smell of money is stronger than the ability to do anything. So I got my camera out and told my guitar he was going to be a 'model' and I posed him in a straight erotic position and he smiled and shined in my camera and I pressed the button. Then I got down and dirty and downloaded him.

I posted his pics and lots of detailed details and got lots of responses. Afterall, it's Xmas....a good time when people are vulnerable to buy ANYTHING. If I had a fishing rod to sell, it wouldn't have been any better....I reeled in the first bite......a young girl looking to buy a Xmas present for her boyfriend. She bit and I hauled in the goodies (money) and my guitar will be sitting under a Xmas tree.

yeah, I know...I could of been the next Baez...........

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rants and Rants

Okay....I gotta say a few things on a couple of controversial subjects....

1. Tiger Woods: First of all, I wonder if he ever slept with a black woman??? Just wonderin'....But personally I don't give a rat's ass who he sleeps with cause what the hell does that have do with GOLFING?? That's his wife's problem. HE is his wife's problem. Personally, I think she should divorce his black ass and take 75% of everything he's got. She should give him his freedom and he can go put his balls in all the holes he wants.

2. Adam Lambert: I mean, come on!!! Where the hell is his head at?? He compared his "shocking" antics with others in the past like Madonna, Cher, etc. Hey buddy...they paid their dues, they have a name for themselves, they can get away with alot. YOU on the other hand are just starting out and do not have that privilege. First of all, there is a HUGE difference between a live concert performance and a national TV performance!! On stage in a concert, they would stand up and cheer (and probably me included)....but national TV???...during primetime when the little teenyboppers are staying up so they can watch you??? ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS??? Your sales are down and I hope they plummet. I was going to buy your album and I've changed my mind.

Well, that's about it. I've ranted. I feel better now.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Chasing Keno.....

That little stinkpot Keno got out again! When he got out last time, I only assumed that he climbed over the chicken wire and through the opening above it because my vision was obscured by this big tree in our yard and he was on the other side of the tree. So the other day he was outside with his coat on and hubby saw him push against the bottom part of the chicken wire where it was low and he wriggled himself under the fence to the other side. He wriggled himself right out of his coat!! He was on the other side, and his coat was laying on the grass on this side as he bolted for freedom.....

My husband gave chase yelling "TREATS!"..."COOKIES" no avail. Keno could care less about treats when he is in pursuit of a SQUIRREL! My husband finally got him to come to him about 3 houses away....only after Keno lost sight of his prey.

I was in the bathroom doing my makeup while all this was going on and missed the whole thing. I only heard Keno yipping outside the door so I let him in and then hubby asked me if he was in there and I said "yes". Later when I came out he informed me of Keno's little adventure and that is why he was hiding in the bathroom with me. He knew his little butt was in trouble.

So apparently he went under the fence not over the chicken wire like we thought. Hubby can now reattach the upper part of the chicken wire since that is not the problem. He has temporarily put some bricks on the ground on that low spot to block his exit-to-freedom spot. By next spring he will have to secure the whole bottom part of our fence better. Also I am putting his coat on over his sweater. The problem before was that his fur is so silky and the coat just slid right off him rather than inhibiting him from getting through a tight spot. Now the coat is tighter on him and won't slip off so easily.

He reminds me of Dennis the Menace.....LOL

Friday, December 04, 2009

Christmas Festivities...

Last night our city was having Christmas festivities in this outdoor/indoor facility near the city hall. There were crafters selling their wares and crafts for the children to do like making pine cone ornaments. There was music from the high school bands and strolling victorian carollers dressed in old-fashioned costumes. There were horse-drawn carriage rides and, of course, SANTA....and the lighting of the Christmas Tree. We got some hot chocolate and strolled around and I bought a few things. We decided to do the carriage ride, but the wait was too long so we decided not to. We stayed about an hour and then headed for home. It was nice....a nice start for the Christmas season.

Tomorrow we may go to Greenmead...not sure yet. Greenmead is a small village of vintage homes and buildings that have been restored...kinda like Henry Ford's Greenfield Village. The buildings are decorated inside and out for Christmas and tomorrow they will be conducting open house tours of the homes to the public. I want to go...but not sure if hubby is going. He's busy getting the outside lights on the house.

This year we are going to Caseville for Christmas. Since the kids won't be coming here for Christmas there is no point in hauling down all the Christmas stuff from the attic. I basically got down the trees and the two tubs of decorations for two of them and the box of wrapping paper, etc. So I'm improvising with whatever I have in the house, plus going to thrift stores, consignment stores and even a garage sale that was selling Christmas stuff, and picking up inexpensive things to decorate with. My house looks really nice considering that I'm missing most of my favorite pieces. And I'm using lots of candles!

I bought Keno a winter coat to wear when he goes outside. With the coat on, there is no way he can squeeze through the picket fence slats. Hubby had loosened the top of the chicken wire (bottom is still attached) which makes it wobbly if he tries to climb it so he hasn't bothered with it. But the coat on him makes it even more impossible. One less thing for me to worry about!...for now anyway until he figures out another way. I can almost see his little brain trying to work it out..LOL

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The Escape Artist

When we first brought little Keno home with us, his foster mom warned us that he is a little escape artist. She claimed that even with her cyclone fence, he manages to put his little paws into the openings and climb up and over her fence and he escaped that way once and she had to track him down.

Our backyard has cyclone fencing on the right side and back where there is a lot of brush, trees, weeds, etc so he doesn't mess much with that part of the fence anyway. But on our left side we have a vinyl picket fencing that has these 3" gaps between the pickets. Along this short part that faces the front we had put up chicken wire to keep our dogs in which has always worked. Also next to the chicken wire we have these two tall weathered privacy fencing pieces with a smaller one in between that connects to the house.

When we first got Keno, we saw how easily he could squeeze right through the 3" gap in the picket fence....oops! So hubby installed chicken wire along the fence about two feet high or so. It kept him from squeezing through and was invisible to the eye. But he did manage to jump right over that small weathered wood piece one hubby put it higher up and put chicken wire along the bottom.

That's the way it has been since we got him back in March and it has always worked....basically chicken wire everywhere.

Well, not too long ago little Keno and his accomplice, Mini Sue saw that the wind had blown the side/back door to the garage open and the garage door was open and out they ran....directly across the street where our neighbor has two Labs. They also have a picket fencing in the front and Keno easily slipped though into their yard barking his head off at their two huge Labs. Of course, once the labs turned to look at him, he hightailed it out through the opening and back to the other side where he still barked his fool head off until Hubby could get him. Well, the door was open so no wonder they got out.

A few days or so I went to let the dogs in and could only find Mini Sue...Keno was running around in our neighbor's yard next door!! How on earth did he get out??? So we tested him. I put Mini Sue on a leash and we went in the front yard and hubby let Keno see us. Sure enough, he jumped up on that smaller piece of weathered wood thingy and since it is higher now he had to push with his back legs and jumped down on the other side!...Little Scamp....

So Hubby has temporarily put up something to block his advantage but he will soon have to put it up even HIGHER with more chicken wire under it. We saw him try to climb over it and it doesn't work now...he can't....AHA!...And that should solve Keno's escapades once more...


So yesterday the dogs were outside and Keno was barking and chasing a squirrel as usual...and the squirrel went flying into the neighbor's yard next door and next thing I knew Keno was on the other side of the fence chasing it!! That little Squirt now puts his paws into the openings of the chicken wire and climbs up and then goes through the opening gap....Unbelievable!! And he wouldn't come to me when I called him...he just kept running until he couldn't find the squirrel and then he came. He was two doors down by that time. I'm lucky that I saw him do it or who knows where he would have been by the time I even noticed that he was gone.

So now we don't know what to do. We are watching him like a hawk. We are going to have to put in a whole new with no gaps...a total privacy looking one....which will cost us big time. Hubby suggested loosening the chicken wire so when he tries to climb it, it will weave and fall over and he won't be able to get a good grip. I don't know...maybe it will work....otherwise, big bucks! We have a 1/2 acre lot so it's a long fence.

I'm a nervous wreck everytime I put him out now....I have to really watch him. If he gets out all he can think about is chasing some squirrel and he'll be long gone before he realizes that he can't find his way home.


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