A Sixty's Weekend....
what a weekend! Last night I went to Karl's Cabin for my annual high school class get-together that we have been having every year for quite awhile. We had a good turnout of local people who showed up. We were talking about how close our class is. Very few classes keep in touch and have yearly get-togethers like we do. We have a very strong bond. I mean, we all grew up together.....we spent our primary years together...we just didn't graduate and then go our separate ways and maybe see each other once every 5 years or so. We're closer than that. We had some new people which is always nice.....and this one girl's husband came by himself cause she was in Florida.....that was so nice. He didn't even graduate with us!...but he still came cause we are such a cooool bunch of people. This young guy who worked there came into the room and asked to look through our yearbook....although looking at our yearbook can be a bit depressing. It's hard to even recognize anyone anymore. Damn....the Class of '64 is turning 64!!!
"WHEN I'M 64"....by The Beatles....
I remember when I was a teen going to the teen dances and the Beatles first came on the scene....one of the local DJ's was there MC'ing some bands and I asked him if he could get the Beatles to come to our teen club and this is exactly what he said....and I quote...."..by next year, nobody will even remember them"......LOLOL...LMAO!!!!!!!! So what the fuck did he know anyway???
Obviously, they never made it to our teen club, but they did come to Detroit at the Olympia Stadium and I got standing-room only tickets which cost me a whopping $2.00 and I went and saw them....couldn't hear a damn thing....but at least I saw them. Still got the ticket. Couple years later, I saw them again.
"Those were the days my friend....."
Today I drove to Fort St. and partied with my son and his fiance's family and friends at the Downriver Cruise Fest. I got there around 2:00 and didn't leave until after 10:00. Drank alot of beer....had me some passion fruit vodka and Pepsi and totally got a little blitz. I was going to drop in at my cousin's bar a couple miles down the road, but I was told that there was no place to park anyway, so I went straight home...probably a better decision.
So another nostalgic evening....saw alot of classic cars. Saw cars I or we use to actually own back in the day. I use to own a '55 Chevy...a '62 Mercury Comet...a '66 Corvair (don't laugh), hubby use to own a '68 Camaro, and an old old Mercury...like a '40 something...I forget...I wasn't around in those days. Hubby is really really old....like 90 or 100...hahaha....just kidding. He just had an old car for the purpose of owning an old car I guess. Maybe a '49 Mercury or maybe that's what his brother owned cause they both owned really old Mercurys. WHATEVER! They are ALL old nowadays....even the Jeep I'm driving is old...
It was a fun day and evening ..... lots of good memories ..... lots of good times
Hubby didn't go....he stayed home laboring to put a fence up in front of our front walk. Told him to spend the lousy $250 for the installation, but noooooooooooo he can save us $250. So far he ended up hiring some guy to dig the post holes...$100....so guess now we are really saving $150. Once he gets the posts in then the fence guy has to come and measure between the posts so he can custom make the fencing part that goes in between the posts. Problem is that it is so hard to get ahold of this guy. I had hoped to have it done before Memorial weekend and now it's almost 4th of July. I just hope it's done by Halloween so I have some place to set my pumpkins up against!.....
Blues Festival...??
I just drove back today from Caseville. I am getting really pissed at all the damn road construction between there and here...it's ridiculous. I take a different route to avoid construction and just run into more traffic jams and more construction. I'm afraid it's going to be like that all summer. Every freakin year there is road construction somewhere between here and Caseville....always along my road route.
So anyway....I had some work done in my bathroom at the condo. I had taken the wallpaper down and needed some wall patching and painting done....and a few other minor things. So everything is done now and it looks nice. It will take a bit of getting use to though because it's a darker color than what my walls were before with the lighter wallpaper. The color is called "RoseBisque"...so it's kinda like a brownish rose or a burnished rose. A very pretty color. I was able to put up my towel rack and this other shelf thing, but I need hubby to put the medicine cabinet back up and the shower curtain. I tried to put the shower curtain back up myself but it's one of those tension rods and when I was trying to turn the rod to tighten it against the wall, it was taking the paint off!!!....so I had to retouch the spots and just left it. Hubby needs to nail these caps on the wall to slip the rod into.
The Blues Festival was Saturday night so I spent most of the evening at the condo. I was hoping that more owners would have been there but there were only a couple. Usually there are 3-4 different bands. I remember one year the first band was more of a rock band but the rest were bluesy. I was disappointed in the bands this year. They were all more like country rock bands. I didn't hear any Blues, that's for sure. I mean, they were good and nice to listen to, but that's not what it was suppose to be. It's suppose to be a BLUES Festival. There was a tent set up and he was charging $15 a person to get in. Of course, those of us owners who have a place there and even renters who are renting a place don't have to pay. We can sit outside the tent and enjoy the music. But I'm sure that couples who were paying $30 must not have been too happy when they realized that there was no Blues being played. It was basically the same type of music you can hear in any local bar.
Well, I got my yard mowed anyway.....and paid the guy who painted my bathroom. So it wasn't a wasted weekend.
This week I have a dentist appointment.....and a high school annual gathering on Friday and the DownRiver Cruise on Saturday. Then I'll head back up to Caseville by Wednesday for the Fourth of July holiday. My son and his girlfriend and her daughter will be at the condo and he'll get the jetski out. Maybe this time I'll get on it. That thing scares the bejesus out of me.....I don't like fast things on water where I could fall off and sink like a stone to the bottom of the depths of hellish water....life jacket or not....I know I'll sink and besides, I'll get my hair wet!!
The kitties are still around....they come out from under the house every once in awhile to see if the magical bowls of food are out. I was watching them tonight playing. Hubby said that they come out after the sun goes down and play for awhile. I saw the 'papa cat' too. We know he is the papa cause one of the kitties looks just like him. The other two look like 'mama cat'. It's nice that he stops by and checks on his family.....so we got the whole family now....mama cat, papa cat and the three little kittens. Damn, I don't know what we are going to do when we all have to be in Caseville for the holiday. Who is going to feed my cats??!!!
MY SON GOT THE HOUSE!! His realtor called him yesterday and the bank accepted his offer. I am so excited for them. It is a really really nice house. I'll have to post pics later.
Well, I'm off to Caseville for a few days for the Blues Festival on the Lake at the condo. Hubby decided to stay home....someone has to feed these damn cats!!
Be back by Monday...
I warned my husband that there were cats living under our house. I could hear them and I once could even hear meowing. I told him to block the broken window that leads to the crawl space.....and, of course, he didn't. So now I've been seeing this cat going in and out of the window and then I thought I saw a little cat following close behind. Well, today I saw mama cat and THREE kittens with her coming in and out from under our house. They look to be about a couple months old and one was still trying to suckle on her. I'm sure that her milk is all they have to eat and I have no idea what she is living on. Hubby said he saw her drinking the water that was dripping on our driveway from my AC.
Now I know I shouldn't do this or they will never go away....but I don't think they are going anywhere soon anyway....so I put out a bowl of milk and mama cat ate it right up. Then I went to the store and bought more milk and a big bag of cat food and I put out a bowl of food for them. One by one they came out and sniffed and investigated these mysterious bowls of food and started eating. I'm sure that it's the first real food that those kittens have eaten since they've been born.
Now they are real comfy.....they have a nice dark place to sleep and they have magical bowls of food appear out of nowhere for them.
Anyone want a kitten??
My son put an offer on the house he wants. Hopefully, he will get this one. I know there is already another offer but the bank will consider all offers. The house needs painting and carpet cleaning and maybe some carpet replacing but that's about it. It's in really good condition and a beautiful home. It's perfect for them. I talked to his fiance Sunday and she just LOVES it!
Here is what he has been bidding on, and how cheap houses are going for nowadays:

First house he put an offer on......Price: $109,900
Sold for $95,000
His offer was too low.
....this house needed a ton of work inside. He knows the guy who bought it and the guy put almost $20,000 worth of work into it. Now he is reselling it for $165,000.

This is the second house he put an offer on.....Price: $124,900
Sold: ???
His offer was too low
....this house only needed carpets cleaned and walls painted. A very nice house.

This is the short sale house he was hoping to get....Price: $110,000
Bank refused his offer
...this house was in perfect move-in condition.

This is the house he now has an offer on.....Price: $115,000
...this is a lot of house for the money...it originally sold brand new in 2002 for almost $200,000!!
Hopefully, he'll get this one. He put a really good offer on it. If not, there are always more and more houses going into foreclosure every day. Someone else's loss is someone else's gain.
Home sweet home....
I've been back home since last Tuesday. Our Memorial weekend was really good. I had my little garage sale and only made $75....but I was only open for one full day on Thursday, 1/2 a day on Friday because I was out doing garage saling myself, and I opened a couple hours on Saturday. The last 45 mins of my sale I was giving most of my stuff away....FREE STUFF!, and I got rid of most of it. I took what was left up to the thrift store in town. My neighbors were open the full 3 days and only made $200. It was really slow most of the time because the weather was nice and everybody was at the beach.
And that's what I did Sunday.....my son got his jetski out of the my garage and got it in the water so we spent most of the day on the beach. My middle son and his girlfriend didn't come up.....we were disappointed. He said maybe another time.
Let's see...what else did we do.....we all went out to dinner Saturday night and grilled on Sunday. Hubby and I went up to the Eagles a couple of nights. I planted 3 flats of flowers in my garden. Then mainly we did some work at the condo after our son and his girlfriend left. Hubby put a new faucet on the sink in the bathroom. He also put in a ceiling fan and horizontal blinds in the living room. I stripped off all the wallpaper in the bathroom. Right now, I have a guy working in the bathroom, patching and painting the walls and ceiling. It should be done by the time we get back up there this weekend.
It doesn't look like my youngest son is going to get that house he had put a bid on a few months ago. It has been pending waiting for the approval for the short sale from the bank. Well, the bank finally decided that it wanted much more money. It will not agree to my son's offer, which was actually the asking price that the realtor had put on it in the first place. The owner is steaming mad. He threatened the bank that he will trash the place and let it go into foreclosure!...then it won't be worth anything. I'm sure he won't, but he was mad at the bank. He wants to get the house sold and move to New York.
So anyway, he is looking at other houses again. He found a couple more that they both like, one in particular. So tonight hubby and I went with him to see them. They are both nice. I wish we could sell our own house and buy the smaller 3 bedroom one...it would be perfect for us! So he wants to put an offer in on the other bigger 4 bedroom house. It is bank owned and apparently there is already one offer on it but they are still accepting more offers. So it will be another waiting game.
My poor Mini Sue has Fleas!! And she is scratching and driving herself and me crazy. I'm going to go to the vet tomorrow and get her some of that flea stuff to put on her neck....and I'll do Keno too cause I'm sure he has a few of his own!
We, or maybe just I alone, are going to go up to Caseville this weekend for the Blues Festival that our condo association has every year out on the lawn by the lake. It's usually held the first weekend of June but it has been moved to the middle of the month. Last year it was freezing cold and I couldn't even go outside to listen to the music. I had to sit in the condo with the door open to hear it. So I'm hoping it is much nicer this time. They usually have 3 bands play. There is a tent set up with tables and a bar; but, of course, the condo owners can hear the music without having to pay for a ticket to get into the tent....We just bring our chairs out with our coolers and sit on the grass and get a free show!!
It'll be a short trip....probably back home by Monday.
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