Cherokee Rose

Sunday, September 28, 2014

I thought I lost my blog...!!!

I know I haven't posted anything on my blog in a very long time.  But it's been a bad year for me.  I think the last blog I posted was when I lost my sister-in-law back in January, 2014.  Then everything went downhill. 

I lost my Mini Sue...

And, as much as I have wanted to post a blog about her.....I just haven't been able to put things into words.  It's just been too painful.  Every time I even think about her, I bawl.  Every single night since I lost her, I cry.  I want so badly to post about those last days and since....but I can't. 

I had a hard time even figuring out how to get into my blog to post anything....things are different.  But I found it....and now I just don't know what to say....

I need more time....

2014 has simply been a bad year...right from January.  I will be glad when it's over.

I love my blog......I don't want to give it up.   But life kinda stopped when I lost my Baby Girl for me.  I just go through the day at a month at a summer at a time.

It will be Halloween soon.  I use to dress her up in her Princess Girl outfit.  Christmas will be here and I can't dress her up in her Mrs. Mini Claus outfit.  She won't be here anymore....she isn't here anymore. 

She's my girl.....and she's gone


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