Cherokee Rose

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Furniture, Carpet and Cats

Nothing ever goes the way you try and plan it.  So when the upholsterer's picked up my furniture, I immediately got my carpet ordered.  I was told that after they measured and I paid, then they would order the carpet which would take about 4 days to get in....then they call and set up an installment date.  GREAT!  With the main furniture out of the room, we can move the rest out and have the carpet installed BEFORE my furniture is done and back in the room. 

So I went to Caseville and hubby got everything else out of the room so he could take up the old carpet and pad.  He had to work around the big-ass entertainment wall unit cause we both have to get that out.  So he just cut the carpet around it.  He had everything cleaned up nice by the time I got back.  I even took the dogs with me, so they wouldn't get in the way and breathe in all the dust and crap.  Then we waited to hear from the carpet guys.....

....and we waited.....

Then the phone rang and it was the upholsterer calling saying our furniture was DONE and he wanted to bring it back to us.   DUH......still no new carpet in.

So they brought all my furniture back and put it on the bare floor, with the little bit of old yucky carpet still sticking out from under the big-ass wall unit.  The guys delivering it looked a little confused, so I explained about how I had expected the new carpet to be installed before the furniture was done....but oh well.....

My furniture looks great!  Love, Love, Love it!!  Before it was a light oatmeal color.  Now it's a richer brown look.   See pics below:.........

This is BEFORE................................: (With dirty carpet)

This is AFTER...................................: (On bare floor).....(That's Keno at the window)

There is also a chair and ottoman in another corner. 

After waiting a few more days I decided to go up to Home Depot and find out what the hell is taking so long.   I want my carpet installed before I head back up to Caseville.  Cause then I'll be gone for 2 weeks.  I was told that after the carpet is ordered it usually takes from 7-10 days to get it...not 4 days like I was told.  She checked and my carpet had just come in that day or the day before.  And they always do an inspection of the carpet before they call for an installment date.  Then she said that the next available installation date would be October 31, Halloween!  Well, I'm going to be in Caseville Halloween!! obviously that ain't gonna work.

So I just made the appointment for November 14.  I'll be back by then.  Mini Sue is having dental work on the 12th.  Actually Nov 14 will also be her 13th she'll be getting new carpet to piss on for her birthday!!!  Yippppeeeeee

Then I came home and told hubby we may as well put all the rest of the furniture back into the room and when we get back in November, we'll just take it all out, now we not only have to find room to put the big-ass wall unit, but we now have to find room to put all the furniture in not how I had planned it.  Not AT ALL!! 

I'm leaving tomorrow for Caseville.  I'll take Mini Sue and Keno and Junior, the Pigeon.  Jerry says he'll drive up next week and bring the cat.....Orange Kitty......the stray cat we got hooked into keeping....the one we refuse to name.  He's orange and we just call him Orange now. 

See Orange Kitty.................:


....And talking about stray cats......well, that's another story for another post.  I'm going to bed.  Everybody enjoy your Halloween.  I'll be at the Eagles dancing to the Monster Mash!


Friday, October 05, 2012

Redesigning a room.....

It's been a while since I've posted anything.  Seems like Facebook takes up all my time and I basically let everyone know what I've been up to through that.  Plus, I write in a regular journal for myself.  It's been a few years since I've started writing a journal on a daily/or weekly basis.  So between the two, I have just plain been ignoring my blogging. 

The holidays are coming and my family room sucks!  The carpet is dirty.  I tried cleaning it with my carpet cleaner, but that was a big waste of my time.  Doesn't look a whole hell of a lot better.  Needs to be professionally cleaned.  The furniture needs to be professioally's a light mushroom color.  And you know how you just get use to looking at things and not really seeing it for what it is.  Well, I took a good look and saw how bad it is looking.  The chair is worn in spots and cleaning will not needs to be reupholstered.  So I figure I may as well just reupholster the whole thing.   I have a sectional in a corner....basically a couch and love seat combined, and a chair with a matching ottoman.  It's a wood frame, so it just has cushions...seats and backs......easy and much cheaper to upholster. 

The kids think we should just go buy a new set.  Now why on earth should I buy a new set???  I love my furniture!  I loved it when I bought it 35 freaking years ago!!, and I still love it.  It fits perfect in the corner.  Oh, once before I looked around.  Went to alot of furniture stores on a chance that maybe there might be something else out there that I would fall in love with that would fit so perfect in that corner of my family room.  And sure there were a lot of nice sets, but they make them so huge now....that overstuffed type....way too big for that corner.  And anything you find in a furniture store is going to look nice but, trust me, everything is made with cheap material.   They don't make 'em the way they use to.

So I just reupholster.  This will be the third time I've reupholstered that set.'s cheaper to reupholster than to buy new.  I'm getting it done this time for only $1350....that's a couch, love set, chair and two bolster pillows!   And it's good fabric.....regularly $82/yard on sale for $62/yard.  Some material I looked at was under $40/yard, so this is good fabric I'm getting.  It better be, cause it's going to be the LAST time I'm doing it.  It better last until I'm dead and gone!!  Then my kids can sell it, throw it out, or put it down in their basements....I won't care by then...

And why get my carpets cleaned??....I'm replacing that too!

Went to Home Depot and got it ordered.  They'll be coming to measure on Monday.

So by the holidays I will have a whole new family room look.  Hopefully, maybe, I'll get my new TV by then too.  I don't know why Sears isn't getting the model we want...grrrrrr.....I keep checking.   I've tried talking hubby into just getting a Samsung or a Panasonic or anything else....but nope....It has to be an LG.  So wait we will do.....

So that's what I've been up to lately. Redoing my family room.  (It's cheaper than moving)


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