Cherokee Rose

Monday, September 12, 2011

Trying to get back in the Groove....

I know it's been a little while since I last posted anything. Not a whole lot going on. Since I've been back I've been hitting the gym and trying to get back into my workout mode. I'm having trouble getting motivated. But I've been going and slowly working my way up to where I was in my workout routine. It's just that after 3 weeks of no workout at all, my stamina gets weak...and my muscles, I think. I know that when I'm in Caseville, I really need to get out the weights, get on my little stepper thingy, get on my bike, or just plain get off my ass and WALK. But I don't.

Speaking of Caseville....I think I forgot to mention the trouble I had with my car when I was up there last. It was the Cheeseburger Festival and the cars are backed up big time just trying to get through town. I was in the line and all of a sudden some warning light came on telling me to check my gages. Sure enough, two of my gages were all the way to the in the red zone. One was for coolant and one was for oil. I knew my engine was overheating so I turned around and weent back home. I told hubby about it, but he was convinced that it must be a computer glitch and there is nothing wrong with my car. Although when he opened up the hood, the engine was really really hot. Whatever...

So later we both attempted to drive into town and again the warning sound went on and the same thing.....both gages were in the red zone. So he figured there must be a problem and I turned around and went back. Luckily, we had his car there to use so we weren't completely abandoned. But I don't feel comfortable driving his car so I used it as little as possible.

We ended up calling a tow truck and had my car towed to the dealership about 8 miles away in Pigeon. They had to keep the car a few days while they ordered parts. There was some cooling fan relay thing they had to replace, but the main thing was my oil pump was shot and had to be replaced...and that's a big job. That's the part they had to order. So over $700 later, I had my car back.

Holy Moley, I'm just glad that it didn't go out on me while I was on the road with two dogs and a bird in the car!!

So last weekend was Labor Day and we decided to check out the Hamtramck Labor Day Polish Festival. We met up with my daughter-in-law and the kids on Saturday. Then we went back on Monday and caught a few of the musical acts I wanted to see. We saw The Contours (Do You Love Me), and Question Mark and the Mysterians (96 Tears) and Danny D who is a Rod Stewart impersonator and he was really good. I had a ball! We had alot of fun. We both bought a couple of Polish T-shirts that we will wear to the Kinde Polish Fest next weekend.

I'm leaving Wednesday for Caseville again for a couple weeks and hubby will drive up for the weekend. Next weekend is our wedding anniversary and we're going to go to that Kinde Festival on Saturday and out to dinner on Sunday (our anniversary). Then the following weekend the Eagles are having a 50's-60's dance and I got my ticket for that already.

Please Lord, no car problems this time.....and don't let me forget anything when I come back!

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Home Sweet Home....Finally!

You know how frustrating and scary it is when you are trying to find something that is really important and it just isn't where you think it should be....and you look everywhere and it's nowhere, and then you start to imagine that it's gone foreverrrrrrrrrr and you start to panic.

After we got through our son's wedding I drove up to Caseville for a couple weeks. Actually I just drove home yesterday...and also today....(explanation to follow)

When I got to the cottage I realized that I had left my two regular diamond rings that I like to wear on a daily basis at home. I have a two-row diamond ring I like to wear on my right hand and a diamond anniversary band that my husband bought me that I like to wear on my left hand. But for the wedding, I decided to wear my wedding rings...which I usually don't wear much and prefer the anniversary band. So anyway, I get up to the cottage and realize that I still have my wedding rings on and I didn't like the idea of my favorite diamond rings sitting home on my dresser. So I called hubby and told him to bring them when he drives up.

He got there a couple days later and he gave me a small white ring box with my rings inside. I promptly took off my wedding rings and put the other rings on my fingers. That was two weeks ago. Hubby came home last Monday and I decided to stay up and drive home Thursday.

Wednesday I did most of my packing and getting the place cleaned up. I was helping my friend work the bingo kitchen on Wednesday so I was rushing to get things packed up ahead of time. I also take alot of jewelry with me that I keep in this jewelry roll-up thingy I has zippered compartments for jewelry and a couple places to slide rings on, etc. On my dresser I have all my earrings, etc that I had been wearing and I proceeded to put them inside this jewelry bag thingy. Also on the dresser is the little white ring box. I wasn't even thinking about my wedding rings. Maybe I assumed they were in my jewelry bag. I remember thinking that I don't need the ring box for anything and I may as well pitch it out. But then I remembered that it was my husband's and maybe he wants it back or needs it for something so I better pack it and take it home. I got everything packed and later when I got home from the Eagles, I started putting things in my jeep....Thursday morning came and I packed up the rest in the car and took off for home. I stopped at my condo and dropped off a big bag of trash. This worker guy was just picking the trash up in his truck and I handed it to him. On my way home, I remembered my wedding rings and I knew that I wasn't really sure that they were in my jewelry bag and then I realized that I had put them inside the little white ring box when I took the other two rings out. problem.

Only, when I got home and started unpacking everything I never unpacked the little white ring box. I kept unpacking one thing and then another looking for the ring box and it was nowhere! Then I tried to remember even packing it and where I put it. I couldn't remember! And I knew I had thought about pitching it out....cause I thought it was empty. I had completely forgotten about my wedding rings. But I was sure that I didn't throw it least I didn't remember tossing it in the trash. But at that point I wasn't remembering much of anything. I was starting to panic! I thought I had put it in this small tote bag with these purses I was bringing back home. I checked the inside of the red purse, empty...I checked the gold purse, empty...I checked the green purse, empty. WHERE THE HELL IS THE LITTLE WHITE RING BOX WITH MY WEDDING RINGS INSIDE??!!!

OMG...Did I pitch it out? I don't remember!!

My heart is mouth was so dry....I thought I was going to have a panic attack.

I told hubby that I have to go back to Caseville. I have to know for sure that I left it sitting on the dresser. Cause if it's not...then I have to go to the condo and get my trash out of the bin and check it. I'm thinking that the trash is going to be picked up in the morning and I have to check and know for sure whether it's there or not. I needed peace of mind to know that I didn't pitch it out if it isn't at the cottage. I NEEDED TO KNOW WHERE MY WEDDING RINGS WERE!!

So by 6:30 I was back on the road heading back up to Caseville. I got there shortly after 9:00 and first went to the condo. I had planned on staying there for the night since the cottage was all cleaned up. I dropped my stuff off and wanted to watch Big Brother on TV first but it wasn't on was pre-empted with a football game. So I went into town and bought a Subway and rented a movie for the night. Then I drove over to the cottage. I really thought for sure that I had left the ring box on the dresser. I went into the bedroom and looked and it wasn't there!! I looked everywhere....under the bed, in drawers, in the closet...all over the cottage. I had packed some things that I had put in the attic and went up there and checked the bags. No little white ring box.

My phone rang and it was hubby calling hoping that I had found it. such luck. I told him to check the two bags of laundry I had cause maybe it got mixed in with the clothes to wash I had thrown on the floor. He ring box there either.

I knew what I had to do. I grabbed a flashlight and went back to the condo. It was around 10:30 at night by then. I walked over to where the two large commercial garbage bins are and pushed open the gate. I looked inside them and they were empty! Then I remembered there was a third one. I opened that gate and looked inside and saw mounds of trash bags. I found something to stand on and with my flashlight, I was able to lean over and push some bags around and I saw my black trash bag! I could barely reach it and I almost fell in trying to get the damn thing out but I managed. I dragged it out and took it back to the condo with me. I went through it painstakingly...I pulled out every last banana peel...every last eggshell and kleenex, etc. There was NO white ring box! I know I didn't throw it it HAS to be somewhere.

I went back to the cottage and looked everywhere again. I tried to relax. I watched the movie (The King's Speech) and tried to sleep on the couch. By 4:30 I went back to the condo where all my stuff was and tried to sleep on the couch there. I said a prayer to help me remember what I did with the ring box. The thought of my green purse kept popping into my mind. But I knew I had checked the purses. Then I remembered this smaller purse I had packed and I didn't remember checking that one. So I had a small bit of hope that maybe I had put it in there, although I doubted it. I think I dropped off around 5:30 or so and woke up around 8:30.

I eventually got back on the road and hit some garage sales and then headed for home. About 45 minutes into my drive, I remembered that I forgot to take the movie back. It was in my purse!! So I had to turn around and head back to Caseville to take the damn movie back!....Good Lord, am I ever going to get out of this town and get back home??!!

So I got back home hoping maybe hubby had found it but he hadn't. I told him about my checking these purses but I hadn't checked the small one. So I got it and opened it and it was empty...of course...I really didn't think it would be there. So I showed him how it wasn't in the gold purse and it wasn't in the red purse and then I grabbed the green purse, which has about 4 different pockets to open and I unzipped the one pocket to show him it wasn't in there either and when I opened it....THERE IT WAS!! THAT DAMN LITTLE WHITE RING BOX WAS INSIDE THE GREEN PURSE! Apparently when I had checked it originally I must have only looked inside 3 of the pockets and missed the 4th one.

So it was there all along...inside the green purse...the purse that kept popping into my head when I prayed for some kind of guidance of remembrance.

I opened the box and there were my wedding rings...Now I have peace of mind. Now I can get a good night's sleep. Now my husband can commit me where they put people with early onset of dementia!...Cause I can't remember a damn thing anymore!

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