BOO BOO BOO....Happy Halloween Too
Tomorrow I'm off to Caseville for a couple of weeks. I'll be taking Keno and Mini Sue this trip. And hubby should be coming up soon as well. I have an Eagles meeting Tuesday night and Saturday is the Halloween parties night everywhere. Hopefully, the Eagles will have something going on. I'll just wear a halloween shirt...most people don't really dress up, although some come in costume when they come in from other bars. Still fun....
Then the following weekend is the Holly Berry Fair and they'll be at least 3 craft shows going on in town. I missed it last year because we had tickets to see Bob Dylan at the I'm looking forward to going to the craft shows this year. I think it was just a couple years ago that I ended up in bed for a week with I missed the craft shows that year too! Well, this year I'm going to all of them. The stores will be decorated with Xmas stuff and some will participate in the cookie walk and serve delicious cookies.
Then I'll head back home....probably the second week of November. Mainly, I have a lot of yard work to get done. I need to get the lawn mowed and mulch up whatever leaves have falled...maybe bag some...and I still have some outdoor stuff to put away like all my chickens I have on the side of my place. I got old flowers to cut down in my flower garden. Of course, I'll wait to cut my mums back much later in the month of November.
I have my absentee ballot filled out and ready to drop off at the township hall tomorrow before I leave. I went to a Rally today at one of the local parks here. The guy who is running for office in our district was there and Brian Calley who is running for Lt. Governor was there. I got t-shirts and lawn signs to put up. Not a very big turnout but it was nice to be part of it. Met some nice people.
Went to Target today to return what I thought was a movie DVD that the disc wouldn't work in either of my DVD's.....turns out it wasn't a movie DVD, it was for the computer, some kind of computer game based on the movie 'UP'. Since I had opened it, they would only exchange it and I didn't want a game!...I wanted the movie! So now I'm stuck with it. And I also had bought a DVD movie from an estate sale over the weekend and when I went to watch it, there was NO DISC INSIDE!! When oh WHEN will I ever learn to open and check to make sure the disc is iside???!! I have done this so many times, but usually with CD's. My own stupid fault. Paid $2.50 for an empty box...
Oh Well...
Have a Happy Scary Halloween!!
Fish dinners, Irish Music and "Freeze!"
I posted some pictures of the wedding in 'My Photo Studio' blog that you all can check out....(just click on the link on the right side).
Last night hubby and I went to this Irish club near us for their fish dinner. It's called the Ancient Order of Hibernians. Since I have Irish ancestry I really would like to get involved in going here like I do with the Eagles in Caseville. So we went to check it out. For $8.50 each we got an all-you-can-eat fish buffet with all the extra's.....they even had CURLY FRIES!!...I ate way too much....there was so much food and desserts. I talked with some members there that also have a place in Caseville. We ended up in the bar area drinking and talking with some Irishmen and listening to Irish music being played by the members there with various instruments...they were very enjoyable to listen to....a relaxing atmosphere. Got home around midnight.
Today hubby went to my son's house to put some moulding back on. My son had all new floors put in his new house and he had to take all the moulding off. He had ceramic tile put in the kitchen, living/dining room area, hallway and foyer. When you walk in the front door now all you see is beautiful ceramic tile throughout. And he had new carpet installed in the great room in the back of the house and up the staircase and all the bedrooms upstairs. So hubby has to reinstall all new moulding downstairs where the tile was laid.
I went to the Cider Mill in Northville and bought some spice donuts and cider and they have craft booths set up and I bought a necklace and ring. Then I went home and decided to drive to my son's house and buy dinner for my husband....but when I got there he was already gone. Apparently, I found out later, I must have missed him by minutes. I got back on the Xpressway and drove back home and got home maybe 5 minutes after he did. And my son's new house is a long ways away...maybe a 1/2 hour drive or more. Waste of fuckin' gas!!!!!
So anyway, Hubby told me that when he was at the house he had left the front door open for some air and breeze. While he was working on the molding he said he thought he saw someone run across the patio from the doorway. Next thing he knew, two cops came in the house through the open front door, looked at him and yelled FREEEZE!!...He's like...WTF?? Apparently, a neighbor saw the open door, called the police and reported that someone had kicked in the front door and was inside. They could hear pounding and thought someone was ransacking the place. When the cops came in, hubby is standing there with a hammer in his hand!!...LOL....he dropped the hammer and put his hands up. OMG!! He explained who he was and luckily there was a utility bill there with my son's name on it and my husband showed his driver's license with the same last name. They went through the whole house checking it and apparently believed his story....thank god....or I would be bailing him out of jail right now for 'breaking and entering'.....
But I am glad that the neighbors there are looking out for the house while it is still empty....kudos to the neighbors!
I had a big weekend. My middle son got married! He and his girlfriend of 8 years finally tied the knot on Saturday, October 16, 2010. They picked Sweetest Day because that was the day of their first date 8 years ago.

Friday night was the rehearsal which went very well. As the groom's parents, we were in charge of the rehearsal dinner. We reserved a separate room off the main dining area at Max & Erma's for our dinner. Besides the bride and groom, us and her parents, there were also 8 attendants and their spouses and families....about 26-27 of us. We had an open menu and an open bar so everybody could order whatever they wanted. The restaurant made everything so perfect. The room was set up beautifully with decorations on the tables, etc. We had a really nice time. The bride gave her girls their gifts. I think my son was going to give his guys their gifts in the limo the next day.
Saturday we got to the church and the photographer was taking pictures of the guys outside and included us in the traditional groom and his parents pics. Then they all had to scurry back to a room in the church to hide cause the bride and her girls were coming. The wedding started on time and it was so beautiful. I was so choked up when she started her walk down the aisle with her parents. Lots of pictures were taken afterwards by the professional photographer and all of us too. I'll have to post some more pics in my Photo Studio blog later when I have more time.
Then the limo took all the attendants around to various locations for some pictures. One of the places they went was to Comerica Park where they had pictures taken in front of the big Tiger! They said that there were about 6 other bridal parties there doing the same thing.
Later the reception was held and it was a blast! Lots of good food, booze and dancing. Everybody had a great time. The majority of the people there were from her family. I invited a very small group of people....a few best friends and aunts and uncles. My two nephews were in the bridal party so of course they came and the rest of their family and guests...and that was it for our group. Maybe 100 people were there and I only invited about 20!...I think we had 2 1/2 tables and the rest were all her family and friends. Who the hell even knows that many people???....Haha
....and no, I did not invited my oldest son who is not talking to us anyway. I felt bad that my daughter-in-law couldn't come, but there was no way I even wanted him to even know about the wedding....So he didn't even know that his own brother got married last Saturday....oh well....that's what happens when you treat your family like shit.....or at least your own mother since she is the one making out the guest list!!!
Anyway, we got home sometime after midnight and I stupidly decided to have a few more drinks and next thing I knew I went to open the back door to let the dogs out, lost my balance and fell right into my beautiful ceramic floor lamp and it went crashing to the floor and broke!....Oops....
Should have went straight to bed.....and skipped the 'few more drinks'....
Sunday I was pretty much in bed all day...
Yesterday I met a classmate from out of town for dinner and drinks.
And THAT was my weekend!!
Tuesday Night at home...
Well I've been home about a week now. I ended up coming back home on Wednesday instead of Tuesday because an acquaintance of mine from years ago passed away and I wanted to go to the funeral home to pay my respects. She was only 72 and a very class act lady. Now both she and her husband are both gone. Life is so short sometimes.
I left the doggies at home this trip so it was kinda nice cause then I can stop at more places along the way and not have to worry about leaving them in the car. The Eagles had their district meeting and that was alot of fun. I donated a couple of pumpkin pies and helped clean up afterwards. Think there were about 75 people who came from various other clubs in nearby cities. After the meeting some of us went into the lounge and had a few pitchers of beer to relax and chill.
My friend from the Caseville area had an accident with her car when she was shopping in Bay City. She was parked behind some big semi trucker at a light waiting for the light to change, and she sees that his back-up lights go on and she didn't even have time to react. He proceeds to back up and turn and rams right into her car!...What an idiot!! Apparently, there was a produce store at that intersection and he has to stop as far as the light, in order to back up and turn into the store driveway and he didn't bother to see if anybody was behind him apparently. and get this!!! friend called the police and he came and he didn't even give the guy a ticket! Now if I did that...stop and then back up and hit somebody, I sure as hell would have gotten a ticket. But guess the cop decided to give the guy a break since he drives for a living...blah, blah, blah...
But my friend only has PLPD and no collision insurance. She's gotten a couple estimates of $2500 or so to fix her car. She's trying to get the company to pay for it...but it'll probably snow in hell before that will ever happen. Of course, like I told her, if you want to be able to have your car fixed if it is in an accident, then you HAVE TO HAVE COLLISION INSURANCE ON IT!....otherwise, it's tough luck. You get what you pay for. People try and save a few bucks by not paying for collision, then they cry when they are in an accident....boofuckinhooooo...
So I've been back and as soon as I get back, the weather turns gorgeous. We're actually having 70-80 degree weather in October....must be Indian summer.
Last Sunday I went to the Plymouth Chili Cook-off in Plymouth and met up with my brother there. It's a super big festival and all the bikers show up. He drove his Harley and we took a spin on it. Lots of food and great music. We went into one of the local bars and had a beer.
Hubby and I are picking up a dresser/chest that I bought at an estate sale over the weekend for my son. He saw it but when he went back to buy it the sale was closed for the day. So he called me and wanted me to go back the next day and buy it for him. He got a good deal. It's a nice chest for $50. He's slowly getting his new house painted and furnished. They should be able to move in pretty soon. But he still has to sell his current house!
Looking forward to a busy weekend...
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