Cherokee Rose

Monday, October 26, 2009

Well, I'm off to Caseville. The Eagles are having a Halloween thing going on next Saturday. Plus, I need to get the grass cut and so some more outside cleanup...hopefully cut back the rest of my flowers. The weather is warmer today so it better stay that way....feels more like Fall and not winter like it has been.

I'll be back by next Wednesday and then the Dylan concert on Friday...!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Night on the Town.....

Went out to "The Draft" tonight with my friend and just got home. Hubby is in bed, but the dogs were up waiting for me. I can never sneak past the dogs..!!

It was crazy at the bar tonight. There were a group of people there doing some kind of film project. They had all these cameras and special lighting equipment. They were filming the karoake they were doing. Then a guy announced that the next singer was going to be very bad but for us to just be quiet and listen and don't applaud cause it's for the film this little short chubby guy with some kind of sweatsuit outfit came up to the microphone and started singing "Superstition" really really BAD...!! He was all off key and all over the was hilarious! So when he was done, we were all real quiet like the guy said so it all added to the drama I guess...then this one guy started clapping and that's all you heard was one guy clapping. Guess that's the reaction they wanted. So we were part of this film thing they were doing. I even took out my camera and videotaped him too. Then someone asked him to sing for real and he took off the sweatsuit/costume and he had on his regular jeans and T-shirt and he sang the same song, "Superstition" with a couple of the backup singers and he was a little better, but not by much, I have to admit....haha. No wonder they picked him to be the "bad" singer.

One of the black chicks came over to our table to talk to us and this guy who was with her came over and he was so sweet....he took my hand and kept telling me how "puuurrrrttty" I was.....wonder how many drinks HE HAD??? now I'm home and back to the real my hot pink jammies on and tomorrow I'm gonna wake up looking like the bride of makeup, bags under the eyes, hair all sticking out and flat on one side and smelling like stale beer.....see how "puuurrrtttty" I'll look then....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Saturday Morning....

Here's a picture of my lovely "hole in the ceiling" in my living room. See, I was not exagerating....

Another problem for us to take care of. I don't know whether hubby is going to fix it himself or have this guy do it. There is also a major crack going all the way from the top of the window across through the hole and almost to the other side. Besides all the other cracks here and there in the living room plus the dinette and the bedroom. Our foundation sucks. Whoever built this house built it on piers instead of a solid foundation and when the upstairs was added on, it is just too much weight I think. Plus, our whole neighborhood here has a high water table. Apparently there was a river or lake that was filled in and the sub built. So when the weather changes, there is a lot of shifting of the ground which produces cracks in everybody's houses. We've been dealing with cracks...fix and paint, fix and paint...for over 30 years, but I've never had my ceiling fall down! It's an old house...older than me, that's for sure and that's pretty damn old!!

And my computer sucks! I have viruses, I'm sure. It is so hard to do anything on it and it is incredibly sl-o-o-o-o-w-w-w-w-w. I have trouble even clicking on a website through google. Most of the time, it just sits there and then eventually takes me to some oddball website that has nothing to do with what I clicked on. And I get these error things and sometimes I get this thing telling me that windows detects a virus and then sends me to a website for me to download something to fix it...which I assume is a scam. But I do think my comp is filled with viruses at this point and is causing all the problems. I need to take it in somewhere or download a virus fixer-upper thing. I don't know.

I hate the computer anyway. About 4-5 years ago I had the same problem and I got rid of the whole thing. Disconnected my internet, shut it down and it sat there collecting dust for almost a year! I loved it. I loved not having this annoying time-consuming machine in my house. That's the one good thing about going to damn computer! Anyway, hubby retired and wanted it back on so I got back online. Everything was fine for awhile, but now it's doing the same thing and I hate it.

I am not one of those people who spend 10 hours a day on a computer, or who sit in front of their TV's with a computer on their lap. If I made a list of "things I could live without"....the f'ng computer would be #1! The only good thing I like about it is when I can't remember something, I know I can run upstairs and google it. Mainly that happens when I'm watching old movies or TV shows and can't remember names of actors with familiar faces. And the older I get, the more that is happening...haha. Sometimes I just want to see "whatever happened to..."...see if they are alive or dead, etc. That's the only good thing I like about my computer.

Facebook sucks....great if you're 16..."WOW, I HAVE SO MANY FRIENDS!!"..."See how popular I am!!", etc, etc, etc. I just don't understand the concept. But I'm on there anyway....guess it's the computer-thing to do...

Tonight I'm going out with a friend for drinks. We'll hit "The Draft" and stay til they kick us out...LOL

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Plays are better than real life....

I love plays! Tonight I saw Neil Simon's "The Good Doctor" by a theater group near me. Actually it was in Plymouth where I graduated. It was a humorous play made up in 8 separate stories....each in a comedic realm of itself. It was a small theater that only seated about 50 people but very intimate and some audience interaction during the play. It was an enjoyable evening....albeit by myself.

I had the pleasure of sitting next to another lady who also came alone and we got to talking about how she had spent her day. I was so impressed.....she and a large group of others from her church feed the homeless in Detroit every Saturday morning. They have been doing this for the last seven years. They make sandwiches and cookies and candy and soup and coffee and whatever and take trucks to this same corner and stay for an hour or so and feed about 250 people. They set up at a corner in the Cass Corridor of Detroit.....the worst possible area! They get there shortly after 8:00 a.m. and are there for about an hour feeding these poor people.

I feel so inept....I do nothing....I'm still sleeping at 8 a.m. Well, actually I do get up around 8 cause Keno wakes me up to go potty and I groggily ramble down the stairs and, with half eyes shut, I find the door to let him out....and then we go back upstairs and I crawl under my warm blankets and my soft pillow and go back to sleep for an hour or so. She said that the homeless people are already on the corner waiting for them when they get there. All they want is a meal for the day.

I can't even imagine.......

I always give to the homeless....I send a check to the Detroit Rescue Mission a couple times a year. Someone showed me tonight what it really means to help the's more than just a "check".

I admit that I'm lazy....It's easier to give cash than actually DO anything. But will I change?? Will I someday be standing on the corner of Martin Luther King and 3rd looking these homeless people in the eyes as I hand them a sandwich and see them look into my eyes and smile and say "Thank You"?

Real life sucks...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday shopping....

I had 'the girls' checked out today. Yep, it was time for my yearly boobogram....mammogram to be precise. It's easy enough to do but I'm glad to get it over with for another year! I'm sure it'll be okay, but one never knows, does one?? Better to be safe than sorry....

Then I hit a couple estate sales, a rummage sale, and the consignment store. I bought a beer glass with 'Busch' written on it (and since that's my favorite beverage of choice...Busch-lite to be exact...I just had to have it.) I picked up a couple cute tops at the consignment store; and a jean jacket with fall leaves on it at the rummage sale. I got some Thanksgiving Fall leaves and some Xmas poisettia decorations and a 1971 magazine at one of the estate sales. Think I spent less than $20 for all my 'treasures'.

I stopped at the bread store and bought one of their Cheddar Cheese bread loaves that is so yummy. Thought it would be good with the soup I made a couple days ago. Had a ham bone in my freezer since Easter and decided to make ham and bean soup with the ham I got off the bone. I threw in some potatoes, carrots, onion, celery and bacon bits and it made a terrific hot meal for the cold days we are having. We had it for a couple meals and I put the rest in the freezer for later.

Tomorrow night I'm planning on going to a play in a city near me. I just love plays. Going alone as usual. Hubby would rather stay home.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Home and busy.....

My back is killing me...That's the first thing that is popping into my mind right now. I've been back from Caseville since Monday and as always, the bed I bought for there is way too soft for me and I get lower back pains from sleeping on the damn thing. And my bed here is almost as bad. Why or why did I ever sell my good old "firm like sleeping on the floor" mattress??? I thought a newer more plusher mattress would be better for my old bones, but NOT! I feel like emailing the guy that bought my old set and begging him to let me have it back and he can take my plush one. But that still leaves the one in Caseville which is worse. The one here at home isn't as bad now that I've put some plywood between the mattress and boxspring. Did the same thing with the one in Caseville but it doesn't help as much.


It was Caseville but finally got one decent day so I could get the lawn cut. I got all my outdoor stuff put away. I put out all my Fall/Halloween stuff out. Got my garden pulled out and some of the old flowers; but I still have all my mums and fall flowers still blooming. I'll get them all out by Thanksgiving.

The Eagles had a district meeting that I went to. I donated a couple of apple pies. The dinner was terrific and I ate way too much.

Now I'm home getting some things done here. Mini Sue's eye is 100% better!! So I cancelled her vet appointment, but I still have an American Red Cross appointment and my mammogram appt.

While I was in Caseville, hubby had to get a roofer guy in to seal up parts of our roof that was leaking into our house. We have this huge crack and a damaged area on our living room ceiling that I keep expecting to fall on my head one day. Well, it FELL....Hubby said he got up one morning and it was on the floor. So now I have this big hole in my ceiling that we'll have to deal with. Hubby called a guy that can fix it, but he says we can save money by him fixing it himself. I say "CALL THE GUY!", before the whole damn ceiling is sitting on my floor.

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